Last changed: 21/9-98

J 30 De Havilland Mosquito NF Mk. XIX

ISBN 91-85496-42-1

The Swedish nightfighter era started with the purchase of 60 de Havilland Mosquito NF Mk.XIX in 1948. The taught was that SAAB B18B should be rebuilt to nightfighters and equipped with radar. Suitable radar equipment was available in Great Britain. At request it appeared that the radar equipment already were fitted to Mosquitos. These aircraft could be bought to a good price and the task of dismantling the radar equipment was avoided. Said and done, the deal was done and the bargain solution landed in Sweden and in the Air Force as J 30 (J stands for Jakt meaning fighter). The Mosquito had a rather short, coloured and interesting history in Sweden between 1948 and 1954.

- Förord (Foreword)
- Tidigare publicerat (Previous published about J 30)
- I begynnelsen (In the beginning)
- Radarutveckling och nattjaktens betydelse (The development of radar and the signification of nightfighter)
- Första svensk i Mosquito (The first Swedish pilot in a Mosquito)
- Första gången i Sverige (First time in Sweden)
- Mosquito blir J 30 (The Mosquito becomes the J 30)
- Propellrar (Airscrews)
- Leverans (Delivery)
- Allmän beskrivning (Universal description)
- Instruktion för skjutning med 20 mm akan M/46A (Instructions for the use of the 20 mm automatic gun M/46A)
- Radar (Radar)
- Vi flyger J 30 (Flying the J 30)
- Nattflygarrutin (Nightflying)
- Utprovning av avgasflamskydd (Test of exhaust dampers)
- Negativa tongångar (Negative notes)
- Prov vid Flygtekniska Försöksanstalten i Ulvsunda (FFA) (Testing at the Aeronautical Research Institute at Ulvsunda)
- Sönderskakade radar (Radar shaken to destruction)
- Divisionsmärken (Squadron badges)
- Blykalsonger och bröstfallskärm (Lead underpants and breast parachutes)
- Skador och felaktigheter (Damage and faultiness)
- Belönad vid haveri (Awarded after crash)
- Test på FC (Test at the Flight Test Center)
- Haverier utomlands (Crashes abroad)
- S 30? Och norska reservdelar (S 30 (S=Spaning meaning reconnaissance)? And Norwegian spare parts)
- Jämförelse (Comparison)
- IR-kikare (infrared binoculars)
- Slutet (The end)
- Målning och märkning (Colour scheme and markings)
- Mosquitoprofiler (Mosquito profiles)
- J 30-träff 1994 (J 30 meeting 1994)
- Bildsvep (Photo collection)
- Totalhaverierna (Total write-offs)
- Tabell (Table)
- Bevarade Mosquito (Preserved Mosquitos)
- Radiostyrd J 30 i skala 1:9,14 (Radio controlled J 30 in 1:9,14 scale)
- Plastmodellbygge av J 30 (Building plastic models of J 30)
- Färgprofiler (Colour profiles)
- Svensk-Engelsk ordlista (Swedish-English Dictionary)

The book can be bought from:
Allt om Hobby AB
Box 90133
120 21 Stockholm