
The compilation of this site hadn’t been possible without the kind help from:
Ian Acworth
Federico Albertini
Alexey Andreev
Miguel Ansede Fernández
Vladislav Arhipov (War is Over)
Michael Balss
David Batchelor
Nick Beale
Csaba Becze
Christer Bergström (Black Cross - Red Star)
Dénes Bernád
Michael Buescher
Carlo Biffani
Vincent Biondi
Iain Blair
Rob Bowater
Colleen Bowker
Tony Brooke
Jim Broshot
Rob Brown (RAF 112 Sqn Tribute)
Col Bruggy
Göran Bruun
Bruce Buchanan
Ernie Burton
Mikhail Bykov
Jean Michel Cala
Massimo Cappone
Giovanni Carlucci
Massimiliano Casanova
Carlo Cerrosi
Edward Chan
Tom Chan
Dave Charles
Hui Chen-Hung
Raymond Cheung
Don Clark
Gordon Clarke
Stefano Colombaro
Declan Condon
Eugenio Costigliolo
Alexander Crawford
David Cross
Ferdinando D'Amico
Ernest Dean
Peter Dean
Manuel de Benedetti
Alessandro Defraia
Andrei Demjanko
Joel Diggle
Andrey Dikov
Lucio Don
Marcello Eusepi
Luc Faucon
Eddie Fell
Fernando Fernández Martín
Corrado Ferrari
Simone Fibbia
Santiago Flores
Gianluca Frascari
Michael Fu
Emma Färnström
Lars Färnström
Frits Gerdessen
Carl-Fredrik Geust
Martin Gleeson
Luigi Gorrini
Chris Goss
Russell Guest
Birgitta Hallberg-Lombardi
Gavin Haywood
Nick Hector
Börje Henningsson
Edward Hewett
Marcel Hogenhuis
Peter Holloway
Pekka Holopainen
Mark E. Horan
Jack Hwang
Massimo Indovini
Göran Jacobsson
Stig Jarlevik
Ossi Juntunen
Rick Kent
Bruce Lander
Jari Lappalainen
Birger Larsen, Norsk Luftfartsmuseum
Tor Idar Larsen
Lars Larsson
Stefano Lazzaro
Alfredo Logoluso
Tuomo Lukkari
Johan Löfling
Pierpaolo Maglio
Allan Magnus
Sidnei E. Maneta
Ivan Martens
Fabio Marzocca (Marzocca.Net)
Johannes Matthews
Steve Mazzarelli
Colin McCubbin
David McDowell
Paul McMillan
Ross McNeill
Andrea Melis
Stefano Mencarelli
Michael Meyer
Aidan Middleton
Nenad Miklusev
Carlo Minguzzi
Patricia Molloy
Dave Molyneux
Bernardo Monti
Thomas Nilsson
Jukka Nisula
Doug Norrie
Ronnie Olsthoorn (Skyraider's 3d Aviation Art)
Michele Palermo
Manlio Palmieri
Jose M. Paliza
Valeria Panzetta
Vincenzo Paolelli
Verbena Volpi 'Ben' Pastor
Pentti Perttula
Antonio Poggi
Tomáš Polák
Gianclaudio Polidori
Ondrej Repka
Laurent Rizzotti
Antoine Ros
Alain Rosseels
Ehsan Roudiani
Tinus le Roux
Jan Safarik (Air Aces Home Page)
Juan Carlos Salgado Rodriguez
Liya Sang
Sergio Santoro
Sergey Sergeyev
Yuri Shakhov
Flavio Silvestri
David Slade
Ludovico Slongo
Brad Smith
Ariella Soffritti
Gianmaria Spagnoletti
Alexei Stepanov
Storia Aeronautica Italiana
Martina Sundberg
Antonio Sussi
Yuriy Svoyskiy
Fabio Tagetti
Peter Taghon
Victoria Tarrida Lecha
Pelham Temple
Andrew Thomas
Carlo Turco
Pavel Vancata
Dimitrios Vassilopoulos
Juha Vaittinen
Robert Walker
Erich Wang
Mirek Wawrzyński
Jörg Windmüller
Zhou Yali
Arthur Yin
Donald Young
Michael Zeh
Mikhail Zhirokhov

Additional information is also kindly provided by:
Rui Aballe
Sergey Abrosov
Radek Adamec
David Aiken
Seppo Alaruikka
Mario Albea
Andrea Angiolino
Liana Balsamo
Leonid G. Bashkirov
Roberto Bassi
Rémi Baudru
Gianni Biguzzi
Tim Bishop
Simon Buckley
Carlos Casas
Alberto Casirati
Matteo Cerofolini
Simon Colverson
Miles Constable
Shawn Cottingham
Clotilde Cucchi-Vignier, Musée de l’Air et de l’Espace
Cynrik De Decker
Robert Dixon
Tadeusz P. Dobrowiecki
Averil DoRego
Philippe Dufrasne
Michael Fletcher
Mikael Forslund
Coen van Galen
Nathan Goldberger
Artur Golebiewski
John Gong
Clare Gordon Jones
Arne Henning Hansen
Nils Herlitz
Helene Hillerström
Ian Hodkinson
Dave Homewood (Wings over Cambridge)
Alexander Hohl
Mitchell Holman
Samuel Hui
Roger Juglair
Aimo E. Juhola
Michael Karatsonyi
Jukka O. Kauppinen
Tomáš Kolín
Branko Krnic
Jan Kuzee
David LaJuett
Knut Larsson
Sari Lehmuskallio
Lincoln Lindley
Michael Little
Stefano De Luca
Petr Lukes
Alexei Luks
Kari Lumppio
Ken MacLean
Steve Mallinson
Antonio Maraziti
Errol Martyn
Nick Millman
Theodor Muchowski
Simon Muggleton
Glenn Murray
Hans Nauta
New Zealand Fighter Pilots Museum
Victor Nitu
Con O'Neill
James Oglethorpe
Günther Ott
Juha Paltila
David Park
Jukka Raustia
Jouko Rautio
Rune Rautio
Stefan Rubensson
Jan Rune
Andy Saunders
Roberto Scaglioni
Jean Schadskaje
Robert and Caroline Schamhart
Tom Semenza
Many Souffan
Graham Buxton Smither
Lars Sundin
Håkan Svensson
Milán Szekelyhidi
Michel Terlinden
Peder Thorell
Dariusz Tyminski (WWII Ace Stories)
Jan Waernberg
Neil Wakefield
Paul Whelan
Rigby Whitty
David Williams
Yulin Yao
Diego Fernando Zampini
Renato Zavattini

Noted pictures are used by kind permission from:
Chris Banyai-Riepl
Alf Blume
Tony Brooke
Rennie Cafley
Vladimir Cereba
Peter Evans
Urban Fredriksson (Swedish Military Aviation)
Patrick Righart van Gelder
Thomas Hampel
Vincent Jones
Jari Juvonen (Jari Juvonen's Home page)
Morten Kasbergsen
Rick Kent
Jarmo Lindberg
Sidnei E. Maneta
Edward McManus
Mikael Olrog (Preserved Axis Aircraft)
Bob Pearson
Goran Polovina
Robert Rooker (152 Hyderabad Squadron)
Claes Sundin (Luftwaffe Fighter Aces Aircraft in Profile)

Following literature has also been used and is highly recommended:
1o Gruppo Caccia - 1998 Aerofan no. 67 oct.-dec. 1998
2o Gruppo, due storie una sola anima 1936-1986 - Paolo Farina, 1986
2o Stormo - Note storiche dal 1925 al 1975 - Gino Strada, 1975 USSMA, Roma
3o Stormo, storia fotografica - Dai biplani agli aviogetti - Carlo Lucchini and Leproni Enrico, 1990 Gino Rossato Editore, Novale di Valdagno
9o Stormo da Bombardamento Terrestre (1934-1943) - Giovanni Tonicchi, 1997, Tarquinia
25 Aprile 1944 – Ferdinando Pedriali, 2004 Storia Militare no. 129 (XII) June 2004
30o Stormo A/S Note Storiche dal 1931 al 1974 – Maurizio Circi, 1974 Editore Bizzarri, Roma
33 Squadron Operations Record Book
36o Stormo, Storia fotografica 1938-1996 - Carlo Lucchini, 1996 Giorgio Apostolo Editore, 2nd edition, Milan
50o Stormo d'Assalto - Nino Arena, 1979 STEM Mucchi, Modena
53o Stormo - Marco Mattioli, 2010 Osprey Publishing, Oxford, ISBN 978-1-84603-977-5
55 Squadron Operations Record Book
96o Gruppo bombardamento a tuffo 1940-41 Sicilia, Balcani, africa Settentrionale authors - Alberto Borgiotti and Cesare Gori, 1978 STEM Mucchi, Modena
97o Gruppo Autonomo Bombardamento a Tuffo 1940-1941 - A. Borgiotti and F. Gori, 1980 Edizioni dell'Ateneo & Bizzarri, Roma
112 Sqn "Shark Squadron" 1939 - 1941 - Andre R. Zbiegniewski, 2003 Miniatury lotnicze 15, Kagero, Lublin, ISBN 83-89088-55-X
211 Squadron
274 Squadron Operations Record Book
410a Squadriglia war diary (1940)
Ace of Aces: M T StJ Pattle - E C R Baker, 1992 Crécy Books, Somerton, ISBN 0-947554-36-X
Aces - W. Wayne Patton, 1998
Ace’s aircraft, Two Aces of 18 Gruppo - Christopher Shores, 1972 Aero Album Volume 5 Number 1 Spring 1972
Aces High - Christopher Shores and Clive Williams, 1994 Grub Street, London, ISBN 1-898697-00-0
Aces High Volume 2 - Christopher Shores, 1999 Grub Street, London, ISBN 1-902304-03-9
Aces of the Legion Condor – Robert Forsyth, 2011 Osprey Publishing, Oxford, ISBN 978-1-84908-347-8
Aces of the Luftwaffe
Aces of the Reich - Gordon Williamson, 1989
Adriano Visconti Asso di Guerra - Giuseppe Pesce and Giovanni Massimello, 1997 Albertelli Edizioni Speciali, Parma, ISBN 88-85909-80-9
Aerei Modellismo no. 2 1997
Aerial War in Spain: Chronicle of air battle 1936-1939 – Sergey Abrosov, 2008
Aermacchi (Macchi MC.200 – MC.202 – MC.205/V) – Nicola Malizia, 2006 IBN Editore, Roma, ISBN 88-7565-030-6
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Aerokobry vstupayut v boy - V.Roman, 1993
Aeronautica Militare Italiana
Aeroplane Monthly, May 1992
Aeroplane Monthly, December 1998
A Gathering Of Eagles - Robert Dixon, 2004 Publish britannica, London, ISBN 1-4137-3498-7
A History of Chinese Aviation: Encyclopedia of Aircraft and Aviation in China until 1949 - Lennart Andersson, 2008 AHS of ROC, ISBN 978-957-28533-3-7
A History of the Mediterranean Air War 1940-1945: Volume One – Christopher Shores and Giovanni Massimello with Russell Guest, 2012 Grub Street, London, ISBN 978-1908117076
A History of the Mediterranean Air War 1940-1945: Volume Two – Christopher Shores and Giovanni Massimello with Russell Guest, Frank Olynyk & Winfried Bock, 2012 Grub Street, London, ISBN-13: 9781909166127
A History of the Mediterranean Air War 1940-1945: Volume Three – Christopher Shores and Giovanni Massimello with Russell Guest, Frank Olynyk & Winfried Bock, 2016 Grub Street, London, ISBN-13: 9781910690000
A History of the Mediterranean Air War 1940-1945: Volume Four – Christopher Shores and Giovanni Massimello with Russell Guest, Frank Olynyk, Winfried Bock and Wg Cdr Andy Thomas, 2018 Grub Street, London, ISBN-13: 9781911621102
Air Aces - Christopher Shores, 1983 Presidio Press, Greenwich, ISBN 0-89141-166-6
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Airborne for the duration - Eric A. C. Barfoot, 2004 The Book Guild Ltd, ISBN 1-85776-856-6
Aircraft Losses during the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 - James B. Haycraft, 1991 Air Enterprise Publication, Newark
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Air War For Burma - Christopher Shores, 2005 Grub Street, London, ISBN 1-904010-95-4
Air war for Yugoslavia, Greece and Crete - Christopher Shores, Brian Cull and Nicola Malizia, 1987 Grub Street, London, ISBN 0-948817-07-0
Air War Italy 1944-45 - Nick Beale, Ferdinando D'Amico and Gabriele Valentini, 1996 Airlife Publishing, Shrewbury, ISBN 1-85310-252-0
Air War over China - Edward R. Hooton, Air Enthusiast/Thirty-Four
Air War Over Khalkhin Gol: The Nomonhan Incident - Vladimir R. Kotelnikov, 2010 SAM Publications, ISBN 978-1-906959-23-4
Air War over Spain - Rafael A. Permuy López, 2009 Ian Allan Publishing, Hersham, Surrey, ISBN 978-1-906537-10-4
Air War over Spain - Jesus Salas Larrazabal, 1974 Ian Allan Ltd, Shepperton, Surrey, ISBN 0-7110-0521-4
Ali d'Africa - Michele Palermo and Ludovico Slongo, 2009 IBN Editore, ISBN 88-7565-060-8
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All aces of Stalin 1936–1953 – Mikhail Bykov, 2014
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A magyar légiero teljesítményei a Kárpátoktól a Dnyeperig - Béla Orosz, 1942 Budapest
A "Messzer" Bf 109-ek a Magyar Kiraly Honved Legieroben - Gyorgy Punka, 1995
Ancora sugli Assi italiani - Giovanni Massimello, 1996 Storia Militare no. 28 (IV), January 1996
Angel Salas Larrazabal - A Fighter Ace in Two Wars (WWII Ace Stories) - Santiago A. Flores, 2001
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Arde el Cielo - A. Arias Arias, 1995, A. Delgado Romero, Silla
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A Sailor’s Odyssey – Andrew Cunningham, 1951 E. P. Dutton & Company inc., New York
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Att flyga är att leva - Gösta Norrbohm, 1975 Bokförlaget Bra Böcker, Höganäs
Attack of the Airacobras - Dmitriy Loza, 2002 University Press of Kansas, ISBN 0-7006-1140-1
Australian Air Aces - Denis Newton, 1996
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Battle over Britain - Francis K. Mason, 1969 McWhirter Twins Ltd
Battle over Malta - Anthony Rogers, 2000 Sutton Publishing Limited, Gloucestershire, ISBN 0-7509-2392-X
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Black Cross/Red Star: Air War Over the Eastern Front by Christer Bergström
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Bloody Shambles Volume Two - Christopher Shores and Brian Cull with Yasuho Izawa, 1993 Grub Street, London, ISBN 0-948817-67-4
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Centauri su Torino - Giancarlo Garello, 1998 Giorgio Apostolo Editore, Milan, ISBN 88-87261-04-0
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Chinese Air Force Gladiators in Action - D. Y. Louie, 1998 Small Air Forces Observer vol. 22 no. 4 (88) December 1998
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Chukoh - Fumio Iwaya
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Combat Aircraft of World War Two - Elke C. Weale, John A. Weale and Richard F. Barker, 1977 Lionel Leventhal Limited, ISBN 0-946495-43-2
Combat squadrons of the Air Force, World War II - Office of Air Force History, Headquarters USAF 1982
Combats fratricides en Afrique – Vincent Gréciet, 2003 Batailles Aeriennes nr. 26, LE.LA PRESSE, Boulogne sur Mer, ISSN 1253-5354
Condor: The Luftwaffe in Spain 1936-1939 - Patrick Laureau, 2000 Hikoki Publications, Ottringham, ISBN 1-902109-10-4
Courage Alone - Chris Dunning, 1998 Hikoki Publications, Aldershot, ISBN 1-902109-02-3
CR42 (Ali e Colori no1) - Giorgio Apostolo, La Bancarella Aeronautica, Torino 1995
Curtiss Navy Hawks in action – Peter Bowers, Squadron/Signal Publications, Carrollton, ISBN 0-89747-342-6
Da-gong bao (Very righteous news)
Dai Biplani agli Aviogetti - Carlo Lucchini and Enrico Leproni, 1990 Gino Rossato Editore, Valdagno
Daily Telegraph, 25 September 1999
Dal Reggiane 2002 al 2005 - Sergio Govi, 1984 Giorgio Apostolo Editore, Milan
Danish WW2 Pilots
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Decimo Stormo. La storia del reparto: 1936 – 1943 - Cesare Gori, 1991 Giorgio Apostolo Editore, Milano
Désastre à Schaffen - Christian-Jacques Ehrengardt, 2000, Aéro Journal No. 12
Desert Prelude: Early clashes June-November 1940 - Håkan Gustavsson and Ludovico Slongo, 2010 MMP books, ISBN 978-83-89450-52-4
Desert Prelude: Operation Compass - Håkan Gustavsson and Ludovico Slongo, 2011 MMP books, ISBN 978-83-61421-18-4
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Diario Storico 73a Squadriglia
Diario Storico 77a Squadriglia
Diario Storico 78a Squadriglia
Diario Storico 82a Squadriglia
Diario Storico 84a Squadriglia
Diario Storico 90a Squadriglia
Diario Storico 91a Squadriglia
Diario Storico 92a Squadriglia C.T.
Diario Storico 93a Squadriglia C.T.
Diario Storico 94a Squadriglia C.T.
Diario Storico 97a Squadriglia
Diario Storico 366a Squadriglia
Diario Storico 367a Squadriglia
Diario Storico 368a Squadriglia
Die deutschen Gladiatoren - Karl Kössler, 1980 Modell Magazin 7/80
Die Ersten und die Letzten - Adolf Galland
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Diver! Diver! Diver!, RAF and American Fighter Pilots Battle the V-1 Assault over South-East England 1944-45 - Cull, Brian Cull and Bruce Lander, 2008 Grub Street, London, ISBN 139781904943396
Double Fighter Knight - Ilmari Juutilainen, 1996 Apali Oy, Tampere, ISBN 952-5026-04-03
Duel of Eagles - Peter Townsend, 1970 Cassel Publisher Limited, London, ISBN-0-304-34032-4
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Due Volte Asso - Giovanni Massimello, 1997 Storia Militare Nr. 49 Ottobre 1997
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Døden har vinger - Jörn Ulrich, 1941 Det Schønbergske Forlag
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Elfelejtett Hősök - Csaba Becze, 2006 Puedlo Kiadó, ISBN 963-9673-064
En flykt genom tiderna - Staten Försvarshistoriska Museer
Englantilaiset Hävittäjät - Kalevi Keskinen, Kari Stenman and Klaus Niska
En la primera batalla contra el fascismo - M. Yakushin, Bajo la bandera de la España Republicana, Editorial Progreso, Moscu'
Ernesto Botto, Gamba di Ferro - Ferdinando Pedriali, Storia Militare no. 96 (IX), September 2001
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Esa mezivalecneho obdobi - Tomas Polak, 1995 Plastic Kits Revue 44/95, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Esa mezivalecneho obdobi vol.3 - Tomas Polak, 1996 Plastic Kits Revue 45/96, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Esa mezivalecneho obdobi, part 5 - Tomas Polak, 1996 Plastic Kits Revue 47/96, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Escadrilles Au Combat - Jean Delaet
Eskadrilia vediot boi - K. Suhov, 1983
Eyes of the Eight - Patricia F. Keen
F19 - en krönika - Greger Falk, Svensk flyghistorisk Förening, Stockholm, ISSN 0345-3413
F19 enligt ryska källor - Carl-Fredrik Guest, Ikaros - 1997 Flygvapenmusei Årsbok 1997, Linköping, ISSN 1102-1926
Fejezetek a magyar katonai repülés történetéböl - S. Nayyváradi, Miklós M. Szabó and L. Winkler, 1986
Fiat CR 32/CR 42 in action - George Punka, 2000 Squadron/Signal Publications, Carrollton, ISBN 0-89747-411-2
Fiat CR.32 Aces of the Spanish Civil War - Alfredo Logoluso, 2010 Osprey Publishing, Oxford, ISBN 978-1-84603-983-6
Fiat CR.42 - Giorgio Apostolo, 1995 La Bancarella Aeronautica, Torino
Fiat CR.42 - Aerei Modellismo n°5/1999
Fiat CR.42 - Replic Magazine n°50-10/1995
Fiat CR.42 Aces of World War 2 - Håkan Gustavsson and Ludovico Slongo, 2009 Osprey Publishing, Oxford, ISBN 978-1-84603-427-5
Fiat CR.42 Falco – Przemysław Skulski, 2007 Mushroom Model Publications, ISBN 978-83-89450-34-0
Fiat CR 42, i caccia a motore radiale parte terza, le macchine e la storia - Nino Arena, 1979 S.T.E.M. Mucchi, Modena
Fighter Command War Diaries - September 1939 to September 1940 - John Foreman, 1997 Air Research Publications, Walton-on-Thames, ISBN 1-871187-34-6
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Reggiane Re.2005 Sagittario - Maurizio Di Terlizzi, 2001 IBN Editore Aviolibri No. 4, Roma, ISBN 88-86815-38-7
Regia Aeronautica 1935-1943 - M.Wawrzynski and Z. Lalak, 1998
Regia Aeronautica: periodo prebellico e fronti occidentali - Angelo Emiliani, Giuseppe Ghergo and Achille Vigna, 1975
Regia Aeronautica: The Italian Air Force 1923-1945 - An Operational History - Chris Dunning, 2009 Ian Allan Publishing, Hersham, Surrey, ISBN 978-1-906537-02-9
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Regia Marina Italiana
Remember the winged heroes of Khalkhin-Gol! – Oleg Kaminsky
Republic P-43 and China's Air War - Richard L. Dunn, 2004
Royal Air Force Aircraft L1000-N9999 - James J. Halley, 1993 Air-Britain (Historians) Ltd, Kent, ISBN 0-85130-208-4
Royal Air Force Bomber Command Losses of the Second World War: Volume 1 1939-1940 2nd Edition - W. R. Chorley, 2013 Classic Publications, ISBN 978-1-906537-40-1
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Royal Australian Air Force 1939-42 - Douglas Gillison, 1962
Royal Navy Aces of World War 2 - Andrew Thomas, 2007 Osprey Publishing, Oxford, ISBN 978-1-84603-178-6
Rumanian Air Force: The Prime Decade, 1938-1947 - Dénes Bernád, 1999 Squadron/Signal Publications, Carrollton, ISBN 0-89747-402-3
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Seguendo la bandiera, vita di pilota – Paolo Moci, 2001 Giorgio Apostolo Editore, Milano, ISBN 88-87261-08-3
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Shark Squadron - The history of 112 Squadron 1917-1975 - Robin Brown, 1994 Crécy Books, ISBN 0-947554-33-5
Sharks over China: The 23rd Fighter Group in World War II - Carl Molesworth, 2001 Castle Books, ISBN 0-7858-1401-9
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Short biographical of Mr. Liu Chi-Sheng - National centre of history
Skjut de galna hundarna - Arkadij Vaksberg, 1990
Slovensti letci/Slovak Airmen 1939-1945 - Jiri Rajlich and Jiri Sehnal, 1991
Slovenske letectvo 1939-1944 - Juraj Rajninec, Bratislava, 1997
Sovetskaya aviacia nad morem - Sergey Bogatyrev, 1999 Aviacia i Vremya 3/99, Ukraine
Sovetskiye asy - Nikolay Bodrikhin, 1998
Sovetskiye asy Chalchin Gola (AVIO 1996) - I. Gulyas, 1996
Soviet Aces 1936-1953
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Soviet airmen in the Spanish civil war 1936-1939 - Paul Whelan, 2014 Schiffer Publishing Ltd, ISBN 978-0-7643-0
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The Vultee P-66 in Chinese service - Richard L. Dunn
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The Warbird Forum - Dan Ford
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Those Other Eagles – Christopher Shores, 2004 Grub Street, London, ISBN 1-904010-88-1
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Triumf a tragedie - Milos Sedivy and Valerii Dymich, 2001 Svet kridel, ISBN-80-85280-70-1
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Twelve Days In May - Brian Cull and Bruce Lander with Heinrich Weiss, 1999 Grub Street, London, ISBN 1-902304-12-8
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Whirlwind: The Westland Whirlwind fighter - Victor Bingham, 1987 Airlife, ISBN 1-85310-004-8
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Wing To Wing: Air Combat in China 1943-45 - Carl Molesworth, 1990 Orion Books, ISBN 0-517-57568-X
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# Быков, Михаил Юрьевич: Советские асы 1941-1945. Победы Сталинских соколов, Яуза, Эксмо, 2008 г., ISBN 978-5-699-30919-1
# Сейдов, И.: Красные дьяволы в небе Кореи. Советская авиация в войне 1950-1953 гг. Хроника воздушных сражений, Яуза - Эксмо 2007, ISBN: 978-5-699-19160-4

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