Biplane fighter aces


Tenente Luigi Torchio

10 December 1917 – 30 January 1944

Date Decoration Note
??/??/43 Medaglia d’argento al valor militare 1940-43
??/??/42 Croce di guerra al valor militare 1940-43

Luigi Torchio was born on 10 December 1917 in Voghera.

In the beginning of the war, Torchio served in the 75a Squadriglia.

In 1942 he served in the 377a Squadriglia Autonoma.

During a patrol over Tunis between 11:30 and 13:30 on 14 December 1942, Sottotenente Torchio, of the 377a Squadriglia Autonomo CT (MC.200) claimed an aircraft, which he identified as a Hurricane, shot down.

By February 1942, the unit was based at Palermo and also equipped with some Fiat CR.42 nightfighters.

On 3 February 1943, nine B-24s of the 376th BG set out to attack Palermo harbour, (three of which returned early).
The Regia Aeronautica recorded that a raid by heavy bombers was made on Sicily. At Palermo three MC.202s of the 377a Squadriglia were scrambled, Sottotenente Torchio (MC.202 MM7712/377-1) reporting to have engaged three P-38, claiming one shot down (17:10-18:15) and one probable (17:30). Sergente Leonzio Bicego then attacked three four-engine bombers, claiming hits on the leading aircraft, between the cockpit and the inner left engine, noting this as probably shot down at 17:30. Finally, Sergente Maggiore Giordano Migliavacca made repeated attacks on an aircraft on the left of the formation which he claimed to have shot down at 17:45, reportedly two members of the crew being seen to bale out. However, it seems that this claim only was credited as a probable.
Sottotenente Torchio was wounded in this combat and his aircraft being damaged, forcing him to belly-land at Palermo.
No Allied losses seems to have been recorded at this time.

31 Wellingtons and six Halifaxes attacked Palermo during the night between 22 and 23 February 1943. Wellington DV569/F from 37 Squadron (att. 40 Squadron) took off at 21:00 and failed to return after having been shot down by Tenente Torchio in a CR.42.
Killed in the Wellington were Canadian Warrant Officer James Dickinson Massey (RCAF No. R/77245), Flight Sergeant Joseph Thom Lindsay (RAF No. 1378705), 20-years-old Sergeant Robert Scott (RAF No. 1217259), 21-years-old Flying Officer Peter Radcliffe Ward (RAF No. 106073) and 30-years old Australian Flight Sergeant Joseph Herbert Graham Nash (RAAF No. 403647).

14 P-38s of the 27th FS, 1st FG, escorted 38 B-17s from the 97th BG and 301st BG to attack Palermo docks in the early afternoon on 1 March 1943, where the Italian destroyer Geniere was sunk. Some smaller vessels were also lost in this raid including the ferry barge MZ 741, the tug Porto Adriano (230 tons) and the ferry Lampedusa (505 tons).
Seven MC.202s of the 377a and 372a Squadriglie were scrambled to intercept, their pilots claiming two B-17s shot down and a third probable (reportedly at 16:30). From 377a Squadriglia Tenente Torchio claimed one destroyed B-17 and Sergente Maggiore Mario Mocchiuti claimed the probable. Sergente Maggiore Mario Sandini (372a Squadriglia) claimed the second B-17 but his MC.202 was hit and he was wounded. Sergente Maggiore Giordano Migliavacca (377a Squadriglia) was also wounded when his MC.202 was damaged while Sergente Leonzio Bicego (377a Squadriglia) was killed when his MC.202 (MM7793) was shot down.
Between 14:05-15:13, one Italian fighter, identified as an MC.200, was claimed shot down over Palermo by 1st Lieutenant John L. Wolford of 27th FS. The gunners of 97th BG claimed two Bf 109s over Palermo at 13:30 while gunners from 301st BG claimed one probable and three damaged at the same place and time. The claims from 301st BG were made against a mixture of Bf 109s, FW 190s, MC.200s and Re.2001s and made by:
Gunner in pilot Medeley’s B-17F 41-24348 from 352nd BS, who claimed one damaged
Gunner in pilot Larkin’s B-17F 42-5068 from 353rd BS, who claimed one probable
Gunner in pilot Lundell’s B-17F 42-5134 from 353rd BS, who claimed one damaged
Gunner in pilot Rolf’s B-17F 41-24364 from 353rd BS, who claimed one damaged
No US aircraft were lost.

23 B-24s from the 98th BG raided Palermo around 13:00 on 5 April. During the raid, B-24D 4111275 ”U” from 345th BS was damaged by Flak over Palermo and the bomber crash-landed and caught fire at Benina. 2nd Lieutenant Ray G. Marsh was KiA but the rest of the crew was safe.
It seems that the bombers had been intercepted by MC.202s from the 377a Squadriglia Autonomo, which claimed two shared destroyed in the Palermo area at 13:00. One was claimed shared by Tenente Torchio, Sergente Maggiore Mario Mocchiuti and Sergente Maggiore Arrigo Purgotti while the second was claimed by Tenente Renato Villa, Sottotenente Remo Martini and Sergente Isacco Sacchi. A third B-24 was claimed over Palermo by AA fire (B-24D 4111275 ”U”?).

At 12:50 on 9 May, seven MC.202s and two MC.205s took off from Boccadifalco airfield to intercept an incoming raid on Palermo. Luftwaffe Bf 109 G were also scrambled by II./JG 27 and III./JG 53. This was a heavy attack launched by B-17s (125 from the four heavy bombardment groups), B-25s and B-26s, escorted by P-38s, 211 aircraft taking part. Damage to Palermo and Marsala towns and harbours were considerable, and included four anti-submarine motor launches, VAS 212, 213, 229 and 230, all of which were sunk at Palermo.
The Italian fighters reported combat at 12:50 when B-17s were intercepted over Palermo by MC.202s from the 377a Squadriglia and Sergente Isacco Sacchi claimed one probable, Sergente Maggiore Pasquale Savino one damaged and Tenente Torchio as second damaged.
The German fighters reported combat shortly after 13:00 and made claims for four B-17s, one B-24 and two P-38s shot down. These claims were made by:
Leutnant Hans-Ulrich Kornstädt of 4./JG 27, who claimed one B-17 at 6000 meters, 25 km west of Cap San Vito at 13:10.
Hauptmann Werner Schroer of Stab II./JG 27, who claimed one B-2415km east of Cap Gallo at 13:10 and one P-38 at 8,500 meters, 70 km north-west of Cap San Vito at 13:40.
Unteroffizier Josef Gerten of 4./JG 27, who claimed one P-38 15 km west of Ustica at 13:20.
Unteroffizier Hans Jürgens of 5./JG 27, who claimed one P-38 at 6,500 meters, 20 km north-west of Cap San Vito at 13:21.
Leutnant Willy Kientsch of 6./JG 27, who claimed one B-17 at 4,500 meters, 80 km west-north-west of Trapani at 13:45.
Oberleutnant Jürgen Harder of 7./JG 53, who claimed one B-17 20 km north-west of Cap Gallo at 13:25.
It is also possible that the retreating bombers were attacked by a Bf 110 from 8./ZG 26 flown by Oberfeldwebel Heinz Sielaff since he claimed one B-17 at 13:47 and one B-24 at 13:53 but the it has not been possible to verify the place of these claims.
The escorting P-38 pilots made claims against the intercepting Axis fighters totally claiming three fighters destroyed and one damaged when Captain H. E. Ross (P-38G) of 48th FS, 14th FG, claimed one MC.202 32 km north of Punta Raisi between 09:15-14:12, 1st Lieutenant Lloyd DeMoss of 49th FS, 14th FG, claimed one Bf 109 G over Palermo between 09:15-14:12 and 2nd Lieutenant Eldred Loder of 27th FS, 1st FG, claimed one Bf 109 over Palermo between 11:45-12:20 while Captain David Stentz of the 1st FG claimed one damaged Bf 109 over Palermo between 11:45-12:20. It seems also that Major J. G. ‘Gil’ Bright of 37th FS, 14th FG, intercepted a S.79 on their way to Sicily since he claimed one 113 km west of Sicily between 09:15-14:12.
2nd Lieutenant Burton Lewis flying in B-17F 42-5233 of 32nd BS, 301st BG, claimed one Bf 109 over Palermo at 12:00. Additional gunners from the 97th BG claimed 15 Bf 109s, two Bf 110s and one ME 210 over Palermo.
Despite these heavy claims, total losses seem to have been moderate. US losses included three B-17s and one B-26 destroyed with 22 B-17s damaged. Two B-17Fs collided when 42-5147 Old Ironside was damaged by fighters and collided with 41-24415 Yankee Doodle II. Both were from 414th BS, 97th BG and 42-5147 returned with Lieutenant Payne and his crew safely and was later repaired while 41-24415 crash-landed at 17:20 with 1st Lieutenant John Holmes and his crew was safe with the exception for the tail gunner Staff Sergeant R. Lewis, who had parachuted and was declared MiA. B-17F 42-29614 Woikin Goil of 20th BS, 2nd BG, was reportedly his by Flak and ditched 88 km west of Trapani at 12:55 with 1st Lieutenant Guy A. Thompson and his crew becoming KiA. 96th BS, 2nd BG, suffered one B-17F hit by Flak over Palermo and it lost two engines. It crash-landed at Bône with Lieutenant Resta and his crew safe. 2nd BG reported 21 B-17s damaged by Flak over Palermo with 2nd Lieutenant H. W. Seng KiA and three more WiA. B-26B 41-17768 of 442nd BS, 320th BG, was lost of the coast of Sardinia with 1st Lieutenant Ernest Mathews and his crew of six all being KiA. No US fighters were lost.
The Luftwaffe units suffered the loss of three pilots and four aircraft. Feldwebel Josef Mathias of 7./JG 53 (Bf 109 G-6 WNr 15211 White 9 +) was killed in combat with B-17s over Palermo, Unteroffizier Johann Kopp of 7./JG 53 (Bf 109 G-4 trop WNr 10914 White 15 +) was killed in combat with B-17s over Palermo, Feldwebel Josef Brandl of 4./JG 27 (Bf 109 G-6 trop WNr 16451 White 18 +) became MiA after combat over Marettimo Island and Unteroffizier Otto Hein of 4./JG 27 (Bf 109 G-4 WNr 19523 White 12 +) was wounded after combat over Ustica Island.
The Italian units reported one MC.205 hit by 'friendly' Flak and it crash-landed. An MC.202 flown by Tenente Marcello Lui of the 71a Squadriglia, 17o Gruppo, which had scrambled from Pantelleria, failed to return. The S.79 claimed by Major Bright was possibly an S.82 of the 47a Squadriglia, 37o Gruppo, which was lost on this date.

After the Italian surrender he joined the Italiana Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana (ANR) where he was assigned to 3a Squadriglia.

On 30 January 1944, heavy bombers from the 15th AF attacked targets in the Udine area. B-17s hit airfields and landing grounds at Villaorba, Maniago, and Lavariano. B-24s bombed Udine airfield and Fier radar station. P-38s escorted the B-17s on the Villaorba and Maniago missions, and P-38s and some RAF Spitfires escorted the B-24s on the Udine mission. Additional P-47s from 325th FG carried out sweep over the Villaorba area. The bombers and the fighters claimed over 60 airplanes shot down and a number destroyed on the ground (the US fighters alone claimed 45 destroyed, 11 probables and 2 damaged). It seems that the 15th AF losses were 9 aircraft (2 B-17s, 3 B-24s, 1 P-38 and 2 P-47s).
This heavy raid was intercepted by a mix of German and Italian fighters. The German fighters from JG 53 and JG 77 claimed at least 14 heavy bombers (9 B-24s and 5 B-17s) and three fighters (2 P-38s and 1 P-47) between 11:56 and 12:44.
Around 12:30, the 1o Gruppo ANR was involved in this combat and the 1a Squadriglia claimed five enemy aircraft when Sergente Maggiore Also Burei claimed one B-24, Sergente Maggiore Luigi Gorrini claimed a P-47, Tenente Giuseppe Re claimed a P-47 and Maresciallo Carlo Magnaghi claimed two P-47s. These were claimed over Grado with the exception for one of Magnaghi’s claims, which was made over Palmanova. Natalino Stabile of the 3a Squadriglia claimed a B-24 over Udine during the day.
However, the Italian fighters suffered hard and the MC.205 of Tenente Re was shot down and the pilot bailed out. At the end of the fighting three more MC.205s had been shot down with the pilots KIA; Capitano Marco Marinone (born 31 August 1914 in Vercelli), Tenente Torchio (3a Squadriglia) and Sottotenente Luciano Cipiciani (born 23 September 1918 in Gubbio).

At the time of his death, Torchio was credited with 1 biplane victory and a total of 5 destroyed.

Kill no. Date Time Number Type Result Plane type Serial no. Locality Unit
  06/06/42   1 Enemy aircraft Probably destroyed Macchi MC.200   Sicily 377a Squadriglia Autonomo
1 14/12/42 11:30-13:30 1 Hurricane Destroyed Macchi MC.200   Tunis 377a Squadriglia Autonomo
2 03/02/43 17:10-18:15 1 P-38 (a) Destroyed Macchi MC.202 MM7712/377-1 E Cap Zafferano 377a Squadriglia Autonomo
  03/02/43 17:30 1 P-38 (a) Probably destroyed Macchi MC.202 MM7712/377-1 E Cap Zafferano 377a Squadriglia Autonomo
3 22/02/43 21:00- 1 Wellington (b) Destroyed Fiat CR.42   Palermo 377a Squadriglia Autonomo
4 01/03/43 16:30 1 B-17 (c) Destroyed Macchi MC.202   Palermo 377a Squadriglia Autonomo
  05/04/43 13:00 1/3 B-24 (d) Shared destroyed Macchi MC.202   Palermo area 377a Squadriglia Autonomo
  09/05/43 12:50 1 B-17 (e) Damaged Macchi MC.202   Palermo 377a Squadriglia Autonomo
5 14/08/43   1 P-38 Destroyed Macchi MC.202   Italy 377a Squadriglia Autonomo

Biplane victories: 1 destroyed.
TOTAL: 5 and 1 shared destroyed, 2 probably destroyed, 1 damaged.
(a) Can’t be verified with any Allied losses.
(b) Wellington DV569/F from 37 Squadron (att. 40 Squadron) shot down (crew KiA).
(c) Claimed in combat with P-38s from the 27th FG and B-17s from the 97th BG and 301st BG, which totally claimed 3 fighters, 1 probable and 3 damaged without losses. 377a and 372a Squadriglie claimed 2 B-17s and 1 probable while losing 1 MC.202 (pilot KiA) and 2 damaged.
(d) Probably claimed in com against B-24s from 98th BG, which lost one (but probably to Flak). The 377a Squadriglia claimed 2 destroyed B-24s while Flak claimed 1.
(e) Allied claims in this combat were for 22 fighters destroyed, 1 probable and 1 damaged while losing 3 B-17s and 1 B-26 destroyed with 22 B-17s damaged. Axis fighters claimed 5 B-17s, 2 B-24 and 1 P-38s destroyed and 1 B-17 probable and 2 B-17 damaged while losing 5 fighters (4 pilots KiA).

A History of the Mediterranean Air War 1940-1945: Volume Three – Christopher Shores and Giovanni Massimello with Russell Guest, Frank Olynyk & Winfried Bock, 2016 Grub Street, London, ISBN-13: 9781910690000
Elenco Nominativo dei Militari dell' A. M. Decorati al V. M. Durante it Periodo 1929 - 1945 2 Volume M - Z
Italian Aces of World War 2 - Giovanni Massimello and Giorgio Apostolo, 2000 Osprey Publishing, Oxford, ISBN 1-84176-078-1
Ministero della Difesa
The Commonwealth War Graves Commission
Additional information kindly provided by Stefano Mencarelli.

Last modified 22 November 2024