Biplane fighter aces


Sottotenente Ernesto Trevisi Medaglia d'oro al valor militare

7 June 1919 – 14 November 1940

Date Decoration Note
07/04/59 Medaglia d’oro al valor militare (Posthumous) 1940-43
23/04/42 Medaglia d’argento al valor militare 1940-43

Ernesto Trevisi was born on 7 June 1919 in Novi Ligure.

After completing his studies at the Military College of Rome he enlisted in the Regia Aeronautica starting to attend, from 1937, the Regia Accademia Aeronautica di Caserta, Corso Sparviero.
He obtained his pilot’s license in September 1939, and was appointed student officer the following October.
He became a military pilot in May 1940 and was commissioned (in Servizio Permanente Effettivo) and promoted to Sottotenente in September 1940 before being assigned to the 53o Stormo C.T. stationed on Caselle Torinese airport.

He served in the 363a Squadriglia, 150o Gruppo Autonomo C.T., equipped with Fiat CR.42s.
With this unit he left to fight in the Greek campaign. Arriving in Brindisi they continued to Tirana, Albania, and then reached the airfield of Coriza on 1 November.
In just ten days of combat, he performed 60 hours of flight time on strafing and escort missions.

Taking off at 14:00 on 13 November, 84 Squadron’s ‘A’ Flight with three Blenheims targeted Kukova aerodrome. Owing to very bad weather, the alternative target, Valona harbour, was attacked.
Four of the resident CR.42s scrambled at 16:10 led by Capitano Nicola Magaldi (CO 364a Squadriglia). Sottotenente Trevisi and Sergente Mario Scagliarini (both 363a Squadriglia) attacked, each claiming one Blenheim shot down.
84 Squadron’s ‘A’ Flight reported that one of the Blenheims returned early due to a defective turret but the other two attacked at 15:50 at low level (900m) with eight 250 lb bombs and the jetty was damaged, and a small barge claimed sunk.
The Blenheims reported that the AA was very intense and that they were attacked by two CR.42s at 16:10 and for 25 minutes. Initially the CR.42s attacked the no. 2 aircraft (starboard) but on subsequent attacks were on the leader. The Blenheim gunners claimed that during the engagement incendiary bullets were seen to pass through the mainplane of one of the CR.42s causing this enemy fighter to retire from the engagement. The leading Blenheim L1385 (pilot Flight Lieutenant A. F, Mudie with Flight Sergeant H. ‘Lofty’ Lord and Leading Aircraftsman W. J. S. Chick) suffered a holed starboard petrol tank and got the outer skin pierced by an explosive bullet passing back to port faired undercarriage nacelle, grazing the spar. The Blenheims landed back at Menidi at 17:50.

In the afternoon on 14 November, while on a cover patrol over the airfields in the Koritza area, four CR.42s flown by Sottotenente Ugo Drago, Sottotenente Trevisi, Sergente Augusto Manetti and Sergente Vittorio Pirchio intercepted two P.Z.L. P.24s, but they were a trap, as ten more enemy fighters were waiting higher. In the ensuing dogfight Drago claimed two enemy biplanes shot down individually and three more shared with the other three pilots.
The Greeks shot down Trevisi, who was killed, and Manetti, who baled out over Italian held territory, while Pirchio's aircraft was badly shot-up and he was wounded in the left foot; his fighter overturned on landing.
Epismingos Theodoropoulos and his pilots from 23 Mira submitted claims for eight CR.42s during the day. A number of PZLs may have been damaged, and some possibly shot down but no Greek pilots were killed or wounded during this engagement.

Trevisi was subsequently awarded Italy's highest medal for valour, the Medaglia d'oro al valor militare 'alla memoria'.

At the time of his death, Trevisi was credited with 1 biplane victory.

Kill no. Date Time Number Type Result Plane type Serial no. Locality Unit
1 13/11/40 16:00-16:25 1 Blenheim (a) Destroyed Fiat CR.42   Valona area 363a Squadriglia
  14/11/40   1/4 PZL P.24 (b) Shared destroyed Fiat CR.42   Koritza area 363a Squadriglia
  14/11/40   1/4 PZL P.24 (b) Shared destroyed Fiat CR.42   Koritza area 363a Squadriglia
  14/11/40   1/4 PZL P.24 (b) Shared destroyed Fiat CR.42   Koritza area 363a Squadriglia

Biplane victories: 1 and 3 shared destroyed.
TOTAL: 1 and 3 shared destroyed.
(a) 363a Squadriglia claimed 2 Blenheims shot down. Blenheim L1385 from 84 Squadron slightly damaged.
(b) Claimed in combat with PZL P.24s from 23 Mira. Italian fighters claimed eight P.24s over Koritza during the day while losing two aircraft and getting a third damaged. 23 Mira claimed eight CR.42s. A number of PZLs may have been damaged, and some possibly shot down but no Greek pilots were killed or wounded during this engagement.

53o Stormo - Marco Mattioli, 2010 Osprey Publishing, Oxford, ISBN 978-1-84603-977-5
Air war for Yugoslavia, Greece and Crete - Christopher Shores, Brian Cull and Nicola Malizia, 1987 Grub Street, London, ISBN 0-948817-07-0
Blenheims over Greece and Crete 1940-1941 - Brian Cull, 2014 Fonthill Media, ISBN 978-1-78155-280-3
Elenco Nominativo dei Militari dell' A. M. Decorati al V. M. Durante it Periodo 1929 - 1945 2 Volume M - Z
Fiat CR.42 Aces of World War 2 - Håkan Gustavsson and Ludovico Slongo, 2009 Osprey Publishing, Oxford, ISBN 978-1-84603-427-5
Ministero della Difesa

Last modified 10 February 2025