Capitano Germano La Ferla
Date | Decoration | Note |
??/??/40 | Medaglia d’argento al valor militare (1st) | O.M.S. |
??/??/42 | Medaglia d’argento al valor militare (2nd) | 1940-43 |
??/??/42 | Medaglia d’argento al valor militare (3rd) | 1940-43 |
??/??/42 | Medaglia d’argento al valor militare (4th) | 1940-43 |
??/??/40 | Medaglia di bronzo al valor militare (1st) | O.M.S. |
??/??/40 | Medaglia di bronzo al valor militare (2nd) | O.M.S. |
??/??/42 | Medaglia di bronzo al valor militare (3rd) | 1940-43 |
??/??/?? | Medaglia commemorativa della campagna di Spagna (1936-1939) | O.M.S. |
??/??/?? | Medaglia di benemerenza per i volontari della guerra Spagna | O.M.S. |
Germano La Ferla was born on 22 April 1915 and was from Udine.
On 1 October 1936, he was commissioned (in Servizio Permanente Effettivo).
He took part in the Spanish Civil War where he claimed one victory while serving in the XVI Gruppo.
He was promoted to Capitano on 6 February 1941.
In July 1941, the 362a Squadriglia, 22o Gruppo moved to operate in Russia under the control of the CSIR.
The 22o Gruppo was transferred on 9 August with a force of 51 MC.200s, 3 C.133s and 2 S.81s. All aircraft transferred through Tirana, Belgrade, Bucharest and Tudora arriving on 12 August without losses. Especially remarkable was the take-off from Belgrade in rain and with all the 51 Macchis of the four Squadriglie lined up in a right echelon.
On 28 February 1942, a mixed formation from the 362a Squadriglia (Capitano La Ferla, Tenente Giovanni Beduz, Tenente Oberdan Militano, Tenente Giulio Torresi and Tenenente Frank Passerini), 369a Squadriglia (Capitano Giovanni Cervellin, Tenente Walter Benedetti, Sottotenente Giuseppe Biron and Maresciallo Romano Pesavento) and 359a Squadriglia (Capitano Vittorio Minguzzi) led by the 22o Gruppo’s CO, Maggiore Giuseppe D’Agostinis (on his first mission over the Eastern front) flew a fighter sweep. At 15:00, they intercept ten Soviet fighters identified as "I-26s" (probably Yak-1s) and "I-27s" (probably Yak-7s at 4,500 meters over Alexandrowka. Two "I-26s" were claimed as shared by the pilots from 362a and 369a Squadriglie together with Maggiore D’Agostinis. Capitano Minguzzi claimed one and one probable "I-27". Two C.200s were damaged in the combat but managed to return to Stalino airfield.
On 9 March, six C.200s of the 362a Squadriglia (Capitano La Ferla, Tenente Giulio Torresi, Sottotenente Edgardo Vaghi, Tenente Giovanni Beduz, Sergente Maggiore Attilio Sanson and Tenente Gianfranco Montagnani) plus Sottotenente Giuseppe Biron of the 369a Squadriglia escorted Luftwaffe Stukas. Over Mikhailowka they met a formation of about twenty enemy aircraft composed of Soviet bombers escorted by fighters (the latter identified as "I-18s"). The returning Italian pilots clamed three shared fighters shot down and two more probables, for no losses.
On 15 March, five Macchi C.200s (Capitano La Ferla, Tenente Giovanni Beduz, Miazzo, Capitano Giovanni Cervellin and Bond) escorted six German Ju 87s. Over Laworoska-Mikhailowka they clashed with seven fighters, identified as I-80s. Two of the Soviet fighters were claimed shot down without losses.
At 09:45 on 17 March, 14 C.200s of the 22o Gruppo took off from Stalino for a strafing mission on Luskotowa airfield, escorted by two Luftwaffe Bf 109F-4s from 1./JG 77. Among the participating pilots were Maggiore Giuseppe D’Agostinis, Capitano La Ferla, Tenente Edgardo Vaghi, Tenente Giulio Torresi, Tenenente Frank Passerini, Sergente Maggiore Fausto Fornaci (362a Squadriglia, 9 victories in WWII) and Sergente Attilio Sanson (362a Squadriglia, 12 victories in WWII). According to D’Agostinis were no less than ten I-16s destroyed on the ground.
From 12 March, the 22o Gruppo was gradually withdrawn to Italy leaving their worn-out C.200s in Russia and being replaced by the 21o Gruppo (356a, 361a, 382a and 386a Squadriglie) from early May.
The 22o Gruppo flew 68 missions, took part in 19 air combats and flew 11 ground attack missions in Russia.
The Gruppo was credited with 66 destroyed, 16 probables and 45 damaged and awarded a Medaglia d’argento al valor militare.
In July 1942 the 22o Gruppo, now back in Italy, was re-equipped with Re.2001s to operate from Sardinia and Sicily.
The 22o Gruppo (359a, 362a and 369a Squadriglie) flew naval escorts and then took part in the “battle of mid-August” before being sent to Sicily to take part in the offensive in October 1942 against Malta.
As of 8 November 1942 (on the launch of Operation Torch in North Africa), Capitano La Ferla served as CO of the 362a Squadriglia, 22o Gruppo CT. The unit was based at Monserrato, Sardinia, and equipped with Re.2001s.
January 1943, the 22o Gruppo was based at Napoli-Capodichino, where the Gruppo had the task of defending the city and the port.
The Gruppo was organised into four Squadriglias operating a mixed complement of aircraft; Macchi C.202s, Re.2001s, MC.200s and CR.42s for night flying.
In the end of February the Gruppo also received eight Dewoitine D.520s
The Gruppo also received the prototype of the Re.2005 (MM494), which was incorporated into 362a Squadriglia.
During April 362a Squadriglia received three more Re.2005s from the “0-serie” (MM092344/362-1(?), MM092345/362-2 and MM092346/362-3).
Ten MC.202s, three MC.200s and two Re.2005s from the 22o Gruppo Autonomo took off from Capodichino at about 18:00 on 10 April 1943 to face a large formation of B-24s and 18 more MC.202s from the 51o Stormo were scrambled at Capua.
The bombers were intercepted in the Naples area and two B-24s were claimed destroyed when Capitano La Ferla and Tenente Giulio Torresi claimed one each at 18:45 while flying the two Re.2005s from the 362a Squadriglia. The pilots from the 155o Gruppo, 51o Stormo (18:05-19:30) claimed one B-24 damaged and the pilots from 20o Gruppo, 51o Stormo (18:00-19:30) claimed two damaged.
MC.202 MM9707 flown by Sergente Enrico Luigi Bocchi from the 378a Squadriglia, 155o Gruppo, was shot down by return fire. Bocchio baled out but was later picked up, drowned. Tenente Dante Stella’s (362a Squadriglia) MC.202 was hit, possibly by AA, and he safely baled out of his fighter while another MC.202 from the 20o Gruppo was damaged when it was hit in the tail by return fire, the pilot was however safe.
Nine B-24Ds from 376th BG was damaged by Flak and one by MC.202s over Naples with two in the crew being WiA. Two MC.202s were claimed shot down over Naples at 16:50 by the 513th BS, one by the top gunner Staff Sergeant P. E. Shea in B-24D 41-11617 and the second by bombardier 2nd Lieutenant H. Henell in B-24D marked 43/R.
Maggiore Corrado Ricci, CO of the 167o Gruppo Intercettori at Capua, also took part in this interception when he was flying an experimental Fiat Cansa FC.20bis twin-engined ground attack aircraft armed with a37mm cannon. He aimed at one bomber in the final formation and fired a few shots. However, the aircraft was so unstable at the altitude of 6,400 meters that the shells passed well below his target. Greatly disappointed, Ricci tried a few more shots but then gave up on this useless mount.
At 13:30 on 28 April, the 22o Gruppo scrambled four Re.2005s, eleven MC.202s and one Dewoitine D.520 from Capodichino to intercept a large group of Liberators, escorted by thirty fighters, which were out to bomb Naples. The Re.2005s were flown by Maggiore Vittorio Minguzzi (Re.2005 MM494/362), Capitano La Ferla (MM092344/362-1), Tenente Giulio Torresi (MM092345/362-2) and Sergente Sergio Donati, (MM092346/362-3).
At 7000 metres they intercepted a reported 30 B-24s flying in two sections each composed of three flights of five bombers. It is reported that Maggiore Minguzzi initially used the so-called ”Greek bowlers”, which were dropped above enemy formations, with barometric capsules calibrated to explode at the bombers’ flight altitude (the effectiveness of these bombs are not known). It was reported from this mission:
”On 28 April 1943 Maggiore Minguzzi dropped a 100 kg anti-aircraft bomb at an altitude higher than 500 m in the horizontal plane according to the enemy's route. He then fired approximately 6,000 rounds of 12.7 mm machine gun fire and 500 rounds of 20 mm at two raiding aircraft.”The 22o Gruppo claimed one B-24 by Minguzzi (according to his logbook the claim was made at 13:15) and 5 probables, (one was later confirmed by ground observer and credited to Donati). Ten more was claimed as shared damaged by the whole Gruppo.
La Ferla ended the war with two biplane victories and a total of eight.
Kill no. | Date | Time | Number | Type | Result | Plane type | Serial no. | Locality | Unit |
193? | |||||||||
1 | ??/??/3? | 1 | Enemy aircraft | Destroyed | Fiat CR.32 | Spain | XVI Gruppo | ||
2 | ??/??/3? | 1 | Enemy aircraft | Destroyed | Fiat CR.32 | Spain | XVI Gruppo | ||
1941 | |||||||||
3 | 15/09/41 | 1 | LaGG-3 | Destroyed | MC.200 | Dniepr area | 362a Squadriglia | ||
1942 | |||||||||
28/02/42 | 15:00 | 1/10 | I-26 (a) | Shared destroyed | MC.200 | Alexandrowka | 362a Squadriglia | ||
28/02/42 | 15:00 | 1/10 | I-26 (a) | Shared destroyed | MC.200 | Alexandrowka | 362a Squadriglia | ||
09/03/42 | 1/7 | Soviet fighter (b) | Shared destroyed | MC.200 | Mikhailowka area | 362a Squadriglia | |||
09/03/42 | 1/7 | Soviet fighter (b) | Shared destroyed | MC.200 | Mikhailowka area | 362a Squadriglia | |||
09/03/42 | 1/7 | Soviet fighter (b) | Shared destroyed | MC.200 | Mikhailowka area | 362a Squadriglia | |||
09/03/42 | 1/7 | Soviet fighter (b) | Shared probably destroyed | MC.200 | Mikhailowka area | 362a Squadriglia | |||
09/03/42 | 1/7 | Soviet fighter (b) | Shared probably destroyed | MC.200 | Mikhailowka area | 362a Squadriglia | |||
4 | 15/03/42 | 1 | I-16 | Destroyed | MC.200 | Russia | 362a Squadriglia | ||
15/03/42 | 1/5 | Soviet fighter (c) | Shared destroyed | MC.200 | Laworoska-Mikhailowka | 362a Squadriglia | |||
15/03/42 | 1/5 | Soviet fighter (c) | Shared destroyed | MC.200 | Laworoska-Mikhailowka | 362a Squadriglia | |||
5 | 30/03/42 | 1 | I-17 | Destroyed | MC.200 | Russia | 362a Squadriglia | ||
30/03/42 | 1/? | Enemy aircraft | Shared destroyed | MC.200 | Russia | 362a Squadriglia | |||
30/03/42 | 1/? | Enemy aircraft | Shared destroyed | MC.200 | Russia | 362a Squadriglia | |||
30/03/42 | 1/? | Enemy aircraft | Shared destroyed | MC.200 | Russia | 362a Squadriglia | |||
30/03/42 | 1/? | Enemy aircraft | Shared destroyed | MC.200 | Russia | 362a Squadriglia | |||
1943 | |||||||||
6 | 10/04/43 | 18:45 | 1 | B-24 (d) | Destroyed | Re.2005 | Naples area | 362a Squadriglia | |
28/04/43 | 13:30-14:45 | 1/16 | B-24 (e) | Shared damaged | Re.2005 | MM092344/362-1 | off Naples | 362a Squadriglia | |
28/04/43 | 13:30-14:45 | 1/16 | B-24 (e) | Shared damaged | Re.2005 | MM092344/362-1 | off Naples | 362a Squadriglia | |
28/04/43 | 13:30-14:45 | 1/16 | B-24 (e) | Shared damaged | Re.2005 | MM092344/362-1 | off Naples | 362a Squadriglia | |
28/04/43 | 13:30-14:45 | 1/16 | B-24 (e) | Shared damaged | Re.2005 | MM092344/362-1 | off Naples | 362a Squadriglia | |
28/04/43 | 13:30-14:45 | 1/16 | B-24 (e) | Shared damaged | Re.2005 | MM092344/362-1 | off Naples | 362a Squadriglia | |
28/04/43 | 13:30-14:45 | 1/16 | B-24 (e) | Shared damaged | Re.2005 | MM092344/362-1 | off Naples | 362a Squadriglia | |
28/04/43 | 13:30-14:45 | 1/16 | B-24 (e) | Shared damaged | Re.2005 | MM092344/362-1 | off Naples | 362a Squadriglia | |
28/04/43 | 13:30-14:45 | 1/16 | B-24 (e) | Shared damaged | Re.2005 | MM092344/362-1 | off Naples | 362a Squadriglia | |
28/04/43 | 13:30-14:45 | 1/16 | B-24 (e) | Shared damaged | Re.2005 | MM092344/362-1 | off Naples | 362a Squadriglia | |
28/04/43 | 13:30-14:45 | 1/16 | B-24 (e) | Shared damaged | Re.2005 | MM092344/362-1 | off Naples | 362a Squadriglia | |
28/04/43 | 13:30-14:45 | 1/16 | B-24 (e) | Shared probably destroyed | Re.2005 | MM092344/362-1 | off Naples | 362a Squadriglia | |
28/04/43 | 13:30-14:45 | 1/16 | B-24 (e) | Shared probably destroyed | Re.2005 | MM092344/362-1 | off Naples | 362a Squadriglia | |
28/04/43 | 13:30-14:45 | 1/16 | B-24 (e) | Shared probably destroyed | Re.2005 | MM092344/362-1 | off Naples | 362a Squadriglia | |
28/04/43 | 13:30-14:45 | 1/16 | B-24 (e) | Shared probably destroyed | Re.2005 | MM092344/362-1 | off Naples | 362a Squadriglia | |
7 | 11/07/43 | 1 | Spitfire | Destroyed | Re.2005 | Sicily | 362a Squadriglia | ||
8 | 29/07/43 | 1 | P-38 | Destroyed | Re.2005 | Italy | 362a Squadriglia |
Biplane victories: 2 destroyed.
TOTAL: 8 and 11 shared destroyed, 6 shared probably destroyed, 10 shared damaged.
(a) I-26 = Yak-1.
(b) Identified as “I-18s”.
(c) Identified as “I-80s”.
(d) Claimed in combat against B-24Ds from 376th BG, which claimed 2 MC.202s destroyed while getting 10 B-24Ds damaged (reportedly 9 to Flak and 1 to MC.202s). The 22o, 20o and 155o Gruppi claimed 2 destroyed B-24s and 3 damaged while losing 2 MC.202s (1 pilot KiA) and getting 1 damaged.
(e) Probably claimed in combat with B-24Ds from the 376th BG, which claimed 1 Bf 109 destroyed while losing 1 B-24D. 22o Gruppo claimed 2 destroyed B-24, 4 probables and 10 damaged while suffering 3 damaged fighters.
A History of the Mediterranean Air War 1940-1945: Volume Three – Christopher Shores and Giovanni Massimello with Russell Guest, Frank Olynyk & Winfried Bock, 2016 Grub Street, London, ISBN-13: 9781910690000
Ali Sulla Steppa: La Regia Aeronautica nella campagna di Russia – Nicola Malizia, 2008 IBN Editore, Roma, ISBN 88-7565-049-7
Annuario Ufficiale Delle Forze Armate Del Regno D’Italia Anno 1943. Part III Regia Aeronautica – 1943 Istituto Poligrafico Dello Stato, Roma
Assi Italiani Della Caccia 1936-1945 - 1999 Aerofan no. 69 apr.-giu. 1999, Giorgio Apostolo Editore, Milan, kindly provided by Stefano Lazzaro
Elenco Nominativo dei Militari dell’ A. M. Decorati al V. M. Durante it Periodo 1929 - 1945 1 Volume A - L
Gli Assi Italiani Della Regia Aeronautica - Giovanni Massimello, 2023 Difesa Servizi SpA Edizioni Rivista Aeronautica, ISBN 9788888180779