Tenente Franco 'Robur' Bordoni-Bisleri
Date | Decoration | Note |
??/??/41 | Medaglia d’argento al valor militare (1st) | 1940-43 |
??/??/42 | Medaglia d’argento al valor militare (2nd) | 1940-43 |
??/??/43 | Medaglia d’argento al valor militare (3rd) | 1940-43 |
??/??/?? | Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse | 1940-43 |
Franco Bordoni-Bisleri was born in Milan on 10 January 1913. He belonged to a family of industrials producing an, at the time, very famous Italian digestive liquor ("Ferro-China Bisleri"). The badge on the bottles was a lion and the wording "Robur" ("Strength" in Latin) so this was his nickname painted on most of his aircraft.
By the time he had completed his studies at the San Carlo College (one of the most exclusive private schools in the city), he had already shown himself to be a talented racing car driver.
He was rejected at his first attempt to enrol in the Regia Aeronautica owing to nose stenosys, so he obtained the licence for civil pilot in 1936 at his own expense and entered later via the course for reserve officers were he obtained his military license in 1937.
In 1937 he was assigned to the Bombardment School, then at the mixed "Aegean" Stormo, and at last at the 3o Stormo C.T. in 1938 as a Sottotenente. He was put on leave the same year.
He was recalled back in service on June 1940, when Italy entered the Second World War and assigned to Albenga Air Base and the 95a Squadriglia, 18o Gruppo, 3o Stormo C.T.
With the unit he fought on the Western front in the attack on France.
In August he ferried a CR.42 over the Mediterranean to Libya before his unit, 18o Gruppo, was re-assigned to the 56o Stormo in September 1940 and transferred to Belgium to be a part of the Corpo Aereo Italiano (C.A.I.). Here he flew a few sorties over the Channel front with Fiat CR.42s but was not involved in combat.
After the operations over the Channel he was transferred together with his unit to North Africa and Libya, arriving at Tripoli by air on 29 January 1941.
On 10 March 1941, Sottotenente Bordoni-Bisleri of the 95a Squadriglia scrambled together with his wingman Maresciallo Felice Longhi from Uadi Tamet airfield. After a chase of more than 100 km during which they climbed to 7000 metres Bordoni-Bisleri claimed a Blenheim shot down 100 kilometres east of Benghazi with Longhi delivering the “coup de grace”.
This claim can’t be verified with Commonwealth records.
Some sources claims that this claim was credited to Bordoni-Bisleri (as his first victory) while others claims that it was shared with Longhi while further sources claims that the victory was credited to Longhi.
On 7 April he was at Benghasi and inspected Derna on 10 April. On 11 April 83a and 95a Squadriglias transferred to Derna to replace 85a Squadriglia.
At 07:30 on 14 April, Tobruk harbour was attacked by an estimated 70 aircraft. These included Ju 87s of III./StG 1 and II./StG 2 plus seven from 96o Gruppo Autonomo BaT. These bombers were escorted by eight G.50bis of 155o Gruppo CT, four CR.42s of 18o Gruppo and five Bf 110s of III./ZG 26.
73 Squadron ha only eight serviceable Hurricanes, two of which were just on their way back from a patrol during which Flying Officer George Goodman (Hurricane I V7673/TP-P) and Flight Sergeant Herbert Garth Webster (RAF No. 519739) (V7553/TP-E) had claimed a lone Hs 126 (not verified with Luftwaffe records). They had just landed when Flight Sergeant Webster was ordered off again with Sergeant Ronald Ellis (V7299/TP-D) and two of the unit’s French pilots from ‘C’ Flight (Sous Lieutenants Albert Littolf (V7856) and James Denis (W9198)) to assist Flight Lieutenant James Duncan “Smudger” Smith (P2652), who had taken off alone five minutes earlier to investigate reports of bombing at the harbour.
A number of Ju 87s were encountered over the harbour. Sergeant Ellis promptly shot down two but Flight Sergeant Webster, who had just latched onto the tail of another Stuka was attacked by two G.50bis flown by Tenente Carlo Cugnasca (MM6362) and Maresciallo Angelo Marinelli (MM6370) of the 351a Squadriglia. The blazing Hurricane crashed at 07:43 within the perimeter and taking Webster to his death. It seems probable that CR.42s also engaged the Hurricanes at this stage, Sottotenente Bordoni-Bisleri and Maresciallo Guido Fibbia of 95a Squadriglia each claiming one destroyed.
Observers on the ground then saw a Hurricane which was obviously Flight Lieutenant Smith, shoot down two Italian fighters and inflicting damage on a third before being shot down and killed by the 351a Squadriglia CO, Capitano Angelo Fanello, who had lost sight of Cugnasca’s and Marinelli’s G.50s after seeing them shooting down Webster’s Hurricane. These were clearly Smith’s victims, and both were killed. The 351a Squadriglia diary recorded:
“Capitano Fanello came back over the place of the combat and he saw, near the Hurricane in flames, two G.50s; one had flames near the engine and the other one, which perhaps had tried to land without undercarriage, was hidden by a cloud of sand.”These were the aircraft of Tenente Cugnasca (who had flown in the C.A.I during the Battle of Britain) and Maresciallo Marinelli, who were posted missing.
On the morning on 17 April, Sottotenente Bordoni-Bisleri scrambled alone after an alarm. He intercepted a Blenheim, which had been attacking Derna airfield, and shot it down. The British aircraft crash-landed 40 km east of Derna.
This attack had been performed by Blenheims from 45 and 55 Squadrons escorted by Hurricanes from 3 RAAF and 274 Squadron, which flew offensive patrols to protect the bombers. 55 Squadron lost Blenheim IV V5574 off Derna at 10:00. Flying Officer Blackmore and his crew was MIA.
In May he was promoted to Tenente and awarded his first Medaglia d'argento al valor militare and the German Iron Cross. At this time his unit was stationed in Benghasi.
On 2 June, Sottotenente Bordoni-Bisleri claimed a Blenheim over the port of Benghazi and a second Blenheim 20 km off the coast. His CR.42 was damaged by defensive fire during these interceptions and his windscreen was shattered and he suffered damage to the upper wing.
It seems that he actually had managed to bring down a long-range reconnaissance Blenheim IV L9318 of 203 Squadron where the crew became MIA.
For these claims he was awarded his second Medaglia d'argento al valor militare.
Also in June he took part in night interceptions and at one time he intercepted a Wellington, which he fired on, although without visible result.
Of this period Bordoni-Bisleri later wrote:
”The CR.42 was a good aircraft, easy to fly, strong and manoeuvrable, but it lacked sufficient speed and armament. It was possible to fight Gladiators, Blenheims and Wellingtons in this aircraft, but against other aircraft it was outclassed. The fighter pilots I flew against were generally very skilful, and the bomber crews were also good. Our allies, the German fighter pilots, were very brave and had a wonderful aircraft which they knew how to employ the right way, particularly making the best use of its good armament.”On the evening of 28 July 1941 he and one other CR.42 took part in an attack on a British submarine south of Benghasi together with five Ju 87s.
On a night interception on the night of 3/4 August he had a near collision with a Wellington over Benghazi.
In August 1941 18o Gruppo returned to Italy and Bordoni-Bisleri was back there on 10 August.
In Italy they trained on Fiat G.50s, Macchi MC.200s and MC.202s before the unit was re-equipped with Macchi MC.200s.
With these aircraft they took part in the defence of Greece during the winter of 1941-42 before going back to Libya in May 1942.
Bordoni-Bisleri however, did not return to North Africa until July 1942.
On 14 July he flew from Torino to Caselle and then cross-country between 17-21 July (Rome-Ciampino, Naples-Capodichino, Gerbini (Sicily), Pantelleria, Castelbenito (Libya), Tamet, Benghasi and Derna.
On 23 July he arrived at Abu-Haggag (Egypt).
In the beginning of October 1942, the 3o Stormo started to receive their first MC.202s as replacements for lost MC.200s.
At 11:40 and during a test flight on 8 October, Tenente Bordoni-Bisleri sighted a Beaufighter at 6,000 meters. He fired on it until his right machine gun jammed.
Twelve MC.202s from 23o Gruppo scrambled at 14:45 on 20 October, led by Capitano Giorgio Tugnoli (74a Squadriglia). They engaged a large formation of fighters and bombers over El Alamein. When they landed again at 16:20 they claimed seven enemy aircraft destroyed: Capitano Tugnoli one P-40, Sergente Mario Mandolesi (75a Squadriglia) one P-40, Sergente Luigi Bozzolan (75a Squadriglia) one Boston, Sergente Aldo Orsucci (75a Squadriglia) one P-40, Capitano Mario Pinna (CO 75a Squadriglia) two P-40s and Tenente Bordoni-Bisleri (95a Squadriglia) one Boston.
Sergente Luigi Bozzolan (75a Squadriglia) returned with a damaged MC.202 (MM8373/75-12) while Tenente Milano Pausi (MM8370) from the same Squadriglia failed to return and was posted as MIA.
At 09:35 on 26 October, seven MC.202s of the 9o and 10o Gruppi (Tenente Giulio Reiner (leader), Tenente Vittorio Squarcia (73a Squadriglia), Sottotenente Giorgio Bertolaso (91a Squadriglia), Sergente Maggiore Alessandro Bladelli (91a Squadriglia), Sergente Ferruccio Terrabuio (91a Squadriglia), Sottotenente Vittorino Daffara (91a Squadriglia) and Sergente Amleto Monterumici (90a Squadriglia)) took off to intercept a reportedly 18 Bostons, escorted by 30 P-40s and ten Spitfires, heading to bomb Fuka.
A little earlier, at 08:50, twelve MC.202s of the 23o Gruppo, 3o Stormo, (four from the 70a Squadriglia, three of the 74a Squadriglia and five of the 75a Squadriglia) led by Capitano Mario Pinna (CO of the 75a Squadriglia) had taken off from Abu Aggag for a patrol mission (one of the aircraft was flown by Sottotenente Bordoni-Bisleri of the 83a Squadriglia, 18o Gruppo).
At 4500 meters altitude, both Italian formations spotted the enemy bombers at the same time and the attack of the 4o Stormo and the 23o Gruppo made the bombers aiming inaccurate, so most of the bombs fell out of the target. Daffara claimed the left wingman of the head formation of Bostons, and damaged two more. Reiner strafed the bomber leader, which began to slip out of formation sideways. He then climbed and found a Spitfire in front of him, fired and hitting it. The Spitfire exploded when hitting the ground 20 kilometers south-east Fuka. Another Spitfire was claimed as a probable by Bertolaso, who also damaged two Bostons. Squarcia, after having damaged several Bostons and a P-40, pursued another Curtiss together with pilots of the 23o Gruppo, and forced it to make a wheels-up landing south of Daba (the pilot, Sergeant J. G. Meredith (Kittyhawk IIa), was subsequently rescued by the same Squarcia together with Tenente Colonnello Armando Fran ois in the Stormo's Fiesler Storch). Bladelli (MC.202 MM7805/84-2) damaged four Bostons and a P-40, but was hit and had to made an emergency landing at Fuka. Another P-40, shared by many, was seen to explode when hitting the ground. Sergente Monterumici (MM7933/84-10), after having fired at the bombers, was hit by three rounds from a P-40; one stopped against the head armour, one hit the armoured windshield and one destroyed the instrument panel. Monterumici recalled:
“On that day I scrambled to intercept 18 Bostons, escorted by approximately 30 Curtiss P-40s and about ten Spitfires, heading to our airfield. I attacked the bombers before they could deliver their charge on our aircraft on the ground, while the escorting fighters were still far enough off, giving me a chance to disengage. In reality, on that occasion our adversaries employed larger calibre guns, still unknown to us, and opened fire unexpectedly at a 500 meters range. A burst hit my cockpit, shattering the canopy and blistering my face with glass chips. I quickly rolled away to evade this difficult situation but as soon as I gained speed the windscreen smashed, hurting my forehead. I was left with no protection in the violent airflow and I felt like my head was coming off. I reduced speed but the enemy fighter was again getting on my tail. I had no more altitude to lose and, trying to dodge a burst, I touched the ground with the propeller, crash-landing at excessive speed. In the sandy desert plain, my plane kept on dragging, engaged in a never-ending run, while in those seemingly endless moments I was saying: Tm still alive, I'm still alive, I'm still alive...Monterumici was taken to a field hospital and later repatriated.
When at last the plane carne to rest, I climbed out of my cockpit, bleeding; then, fearful that the damaged aircraft could catch fire, I went further away, and made my way northbound, with the help of a small compass that I carried with me. After a few hours walk, the real troubles started: large minefield, marked with many pegs, was just in front of me, apparently endless. I made a detour, because I couldn't stop: I had just a half-filled water-bottle and the flies, attracted by the blood that was still dripping from the wounds on my face, kept on annoying me. After some time, I heard an aircraft engine noise far away: it was a Storch, piloted (as I was told afterwards) by my Stormo CO T.Col Armando Fran ois and by Ten Vittorino Daffara. Unfortunately they didn't notice me, although I waved my life-vest for a long time, trying to draw their attention.
I carefully resumed my march among the mines, hoping to meet with someone or something. Some time later, I carne across the wreck of a shot-down aircraft. I approached to see what type it was: it was a P-40 whose pilot was lying on a wing with his head on his hands and a parachute not so far way. The body was intact but sort of mummified. Not very far away there was another aircraft, this time a Spitfire, whose pilot was sitting still on his 'chute near to the tailwheel, with to back leaning against the fuselage, holding his knees with his arms. He looked as if he was sleeping, but he too had been already transformed into a statue. I gently knocked my knuckles against his cheek-bone and a sort of dried wood sound replied. I then thought to myself: 'This will be also my destiny, but... never mind, let's continue until there’s energy to do so...
After many more hours of walking, I noticed what I hoped so much to see: a thin dust cloud moving towards me. I started again to wave my life-vest, but I wasn't able to make clear what it really was: was it just the wind raising some sand or something moving in my direction? As a matter of fact, my eyes were filled with clotted blood, while the right part of my face, from the nose to the cheek, was a just a congealed wound. It was 7 o clock p.m. already, the sunset was soon to come and by then I d been walking for ten hours. The dust cloud kept on getting closer and at last I managed to recognise a motorbike. The driver was Ten Carlo Tommasi, of 3o Stormo, wandering around in the desert looking for souvenirs to be brought back to his villa in Naples...”
Between 07:45-09:30 on 30 October, Tenente Bordoni-Bisleri claimed a P-40 over El Kattara in the El Alamein area when he was returning from a reconnaissance flight.
The next day he took part in an escort for Ju 87s. South-west of El Alamein they were intercepted and he fired on three P-40s but didn’t submit any claims.
Around this time he was also promoted to Tenente.
At 14:10 on 1 November, twelve Kittyhawks of 250 Squadron set off to strafe the Marsa Matruh road. These were jumped by two MC.202s of the 95a Squadriglia (14:45-16:15), flown by Tenente Bordoni-Bisleri and Sottotenente Roberto Caetani, which had been attracted by the smoke of burning vehicles under attack by the British aircraft. The Italian pilots reported spotting two flights, one of nine and one of six Kittyhawks. They targeted the latter and claimed one shot down each and a third shared as a probable in a low-level dogfight.
The 250 Squadron lost Kittyhawk III FR260 flown by Canadian 20-years-old Sergeant Walter Keogh Martin (RCAF no. R/85449) in combat with MC.202s during a mission 14:10-16:45. The aircraft made a belly-landing, but the pilot was KIA. A second Kittyhawk crash-landed damaged (Cat. II) at LG.37 after the same combat but the pilot, Sergeant H. K. O Brian was safe.
A Kittyhawk of 450 Squadron was also shot down in the Mersa Matruh area during the day and may have been engaged in the same combat.
For this achievement both Bordoni-Bisleri and Caetani were awarded the Medaglia d'argento al valor militare (Bordoni-Bisleri’s third).
At 06.00 on 4 November two MC.202s flown by Capitano Mario Pinna of the 74a Squadriglia and Sergente Maggiore Francesco Cuscuna of 75a Squadriglia were scrambled from Abu Smeit after Bostons and Curtiss fighters. A little later a third MC.202 took off, flown by Tenente Bordoni-Bisleri of the 95a Squadriglia (06:35-07:30).
They reportedly intercepted three P-40 Kittyhawks and Bordoni-Bisleri shot down one of them near the airfield. This P-40 had moments before shot down Pinna, who was forced to leave his burning aircraft (MC.202 MM8081/75-1) with parachute after having collided with a Kittyhawk.
Pinna was badly wounded in his face and on his hands and was picked up by soldiers from the Folgore Division and later collected by a Fiesler Storch. A Ca.133 Sanitario then picked him up and transported him to Marsa Matruh for treatment and recovery.
Cuscuna returned from this combat with a damaged aircraft at 07:15 after having claimed two damaged P-40s.
It seems that twelve 260 Squadron Kittyhawk IIas provided escort for bombers between 08:10-09:40. They encountered reportedly four Bf 109s with one of which Flying Officer N. E. Gilboe (Kittyhawk IIa FL351/C) collided over Ras el Abd (Pinna), both aircraft crashing. Flying Officer Gilboe became a PoW.
After this the 3o was transferred from Abu Smeit to Bir el Astas and then to Bu Amud.
On 7 November 1942, Tenente Bordoni-Bisleri and Maresciallo Felice Longhi (both 95a Squadriglia) took off from Bu Amud, where they had arrived during the previous day. They flew towards Sidi Barrani where they were to re-fuel their aircraft for a reconnaissance mission over Fuka but at 13:30 spotted three burning Ju 52/3ms, following which they spotted eight Kittyhawks at low level. They dived down to attack them but during the dive, Tenente Bordoni-Bisleri lost the cockpit canopy from his aircraft. Nonetheless, he managed to shoot down one fighter which was confirmed by an army unit which saw it going down, shedding pieces. Maresciallo Longhi claimed additional hits on three more enemy aircraft in this dogfight and it seems that he subsequently was credited with one destroyed.
This combat was against 250 Squadron, from which twelve Kittyhawk IIIs had taken off at 15:00. They were out to strafe the Sidi Barrani – Sollum road but encountered four Ju 52/3ms at low level in the process of flying fuel from Crete. Three of these transports were claimed shot down in flames and the fourth crash-landed over Sollum at 16:00. During the flight back to base the unit met some Ju 87s and their escort east of Sollum at 16:15, attacking these and claiming a Bf 109 probable and two MC.202s damaged. However, one Kittyhawk was shot down in flames and a second failed to return.
The Ju 52/3ms were claimed by Flight Sergeant Norman Richard Chap (Kittyhawk III FR268/LD-M), Pilot Officer G. W. Troke (FR275/LD-E) and Sergeant A. F. Nitz (FR253/LD-C), who claimed two destroyed. Pilot Officer Troke claimed one additional probable Bf 109, while the damaged MC.202 were claimed by Flight Sergeant H. K. O’Brien (FR307) and Pilot Officer N. G. Russell (FR243/LD-R), which claimed one each.
The Canadian Norman Richard Chap (RCAF No. J/16637) and Flying Officer H. Calver (AL177) where both shot down and killed.
It’s possible that Bf 109s from III./JG 77 also was involved in this combat since Hauptmann Kurt Ubben, Stab III/JG 77, claimed a P-40 at 16:20.
This was Tenente Bordoni-Bisleri last victory in North Africa.
He now had 12 claims, which made him the top scoring Italian fighter pilot throughout the Desert campaign.
On 19 November 1942, Maggiore Gino Lodi (CO 18o Gruppo), Capitano Giorgio Tugnoli (CO 74a Squadriglia) and Tenente Bordoni-Bisleri (95a Squadriglia) were seriously injured in a car accident on the Tauorga-Tripoli Road. They were sent home to Italy aboard a hospital ship.
Capitano Giulio Cesare Giuntella assumed command of the 18o Gruppo on an acting basis and Tenente Carlo Moruzzi that of the 74a Squadriglia.
It would be six months before Tenente Bordoni-Bisleri was fit to return to duty.
On 11 June 1943 he flew again for the first time after his convalescence when he took off in a Macchi MC.200.
On 14 June he flew a MC.205.
On 18 July he flew a Bf 109 from Cerveteri.
Between 19 to 21 July he made several scrambles but didn’t make any enemy contact.
On 30 July 1943 a formation of B-17s escorted by P-38s were intercepted over Rome. In the ensuing combat the Italian pilots claimed four B-17s. One was claimed by Tenente Marinoni, one by Tenente Melis and one by Tenente Bordoni-Bisleri (claim number 13)(some sources claims that this claim was shared with Sergente Mantelli) over Pratica di Mare while flying a C.205 and firing 800 rounds 12.7 mm ammunition. The fourth B-17 was claimed as a shared between Sergente Maggiore Francesco Cuscuna and Sergente Buogo. Two P-38 Lightnings were also claimed by Maresciallo Giannelli and Sergente Mantelli, which claimed one each. Sergente Buogo was however shot down and forced to leave his aircraft in parachute.
In two actions between 10.25 and 12.45 on 11 August he claimed two B-17s. The first fell in the sea near Civitavecchia and the second was shot down from 8500 meters and fell north-east of Bracciano lake.
He was again in combat with enemy formations on 12, 13, 15 and 19 August but without result. The unit was at this time without the MC.205s.
In the second engagement of the day on 19 August he claimed a B-26 off the coast at Ostia, in the Lazio region, while flying one of the older MC.202s.
On 20 August he was promoted to commander of the 83a Squadriglia.
In the afternoon on 21 August he claimed a B-17 while flying a MC.202. The enemy aircraft crashed near the railway station at Pomigliano d' Arco, Naples, and three parachutes were observed.
On 29 August he again took in interceptions and fired on several aircraft without result. It is however possible that he shared some of the claims that were claimed by 3o Stormo during the day when they claimed one four-engined and three two-engined bombers.
On 30 August 1943 he claimed a B-17 near Viterbo while flying a MC.205. He landed after having spent 430 round of 20mm and 400 rounds of 12.7mm ammunition.
He claimed his 19th and last victory on 5 September when he in the afternoon claimed a B-17 off the coast at Civitavecchia after having spent 330 round of 20mm and 415 rounds of 12.7mm ammunition.
Bordoni-Bisleri ended the war with 5 biplane victories and a total of 19 destroyed and 4 probables and possibly 18 shared. These had been claimed on 199 missions.
After the war, Bordoni became president of his family industry and he obtained several awards for his sports achievements (in car races he became Italian champion in 1953 for the "sport International" category).
He became President of the Milano-Bresso Aeroclub and died in a flight accident on 15 September 1975, while coming back to Milan from Rome aboard of his SIAI Marchetti SF.260 I-LALA (Con. No. 2-30) tourism plane. He was caught by a thunderstorm and crashed into Mount Anchetta (part of the Apennine Mountains) near Chiavari, together with his 10-year-old son, Francesco, and a friend, Giovanni Allegri.
He landed back at base after having spent 630 rounds of 12.7mm ammunition.
For this claim he was proposed his fourth Medaglia d'argento al valor militare but he was never awarded it.
Please note that all Bordoni-Bisleri's claims were and are unofficial, as up to date there isn't any official confirmed listing of Italian aces.
Kill no. | Date | Time | Number | Type | Result | Plane type | Serial no. | Locality | Unit |
1941 | |||||||||
1 | 10/03/41 | 1 | Blenheim (a) | Destroyed | Fiat CR.42 | 100 km E Benghasi | 95a Squadriglia | ||
2 | 14/04/41 | 07:25- | 1 | Hurricane (b) | Destroyed | Fiat CR.42 | Tobruk | 95a Squadriglia | |
3 | 17/04/41 | 10:00 | 1 | Blenheim (c) | Destroyed | Fiat CR.42 | 40 km E Derna | 95a Squadriglia | |
4 | 02/06/41 | 1 | Blenheim (d) | Destroyed | Fiat CR.42 | Benghazi harbour | 95a Squadriglia | ||
5 | 02/06/41 | 1 | Blenheim (d) | Destroyed | Fiat CR.42 | off Benghazi harbour | 95a Squadriglia | ||
1942 | |||||||||
08/10/42 | 11:40 | 1 | Beaufighter | Damaged | Macchi MC.202 | near Abu Haggag | 95a Squadriglia | ||
6 | 20/10/42 | 14:45-16:20 | 1 | Boston | Destroyed | Macchi MC.202 | El Alamein | 95a Squadriglia | |
7 | 26/10/42 | 08:50-10:30 | 1 | P-40 (e) | Destroyed | Macchi MC.202 | 15 km SE Fuka | 95a Squadriglia | |
8 | 30/10/42 | 07:45-09:30 | 1 | P-40 | Destroyed | Macchi MC.202 | El Kattara | 95a Squadriglia | |
9 | 01/11/42 | 14:45-16:15 | 1 | P-40 (f) | Destroyed | Macchi MC.202 | 30km SW Mersa Matruh | 95a Squadriglia | |
01/11/42 | 14:45-16:15 | 1/2 | P-40 (f) | Shared probably destroyed | Macchi MC.202 | 30km SW Mersa Matruh | 95a Squadriglia | ||
10 | 04/11/42 | 06:35-07:30 | 1 | P-40 (g) | Destroyed | Macchi MC.202 | Abu Smeit area | 95a Squadriglia | |
11 | 07/11/42 | 13:30 | 1 | P-40 (h) | Destroyed | Macchi MC.202 | Bu Amud - Sidi Barrani | 95a Squadriglia | |
1943 | |||||||||
12 | 30/07/43 | 1 | B-17 | Destroyed | Macchi C.205 | Pratica di Mare | 83a Squadriglia | ||
13 | 11/08/43 | 1 | B-17 | Destroyed | Macchi C.205 | near Civitavecchia | 83a Squadriglia | ||
14 | 11/08/43 | 1 | B-17 | Destroyed | Macchi C.205 | NE Bracciano lake | 83a Squadriglia | ||
15 | 19/08/43 | 1 | B-26 | Destroyed | Macchi MC.202 | off Ostia | 83a Squadriglia | ||
16 | 21/08/43 | 1 | B-17 | Destroyed | Macchi MC.202 | Pomigliano d' Arco | 83a Squadriglia | ||
17 | 30/08/43 | 1 | B-17 | Destroyed | Macchi C.205 | Viterbo | 83a Squadriglia | ||
18 | 05/09/43 | 1 | B-17 | Destroyed | Macchi C.205 | off Civitavecchia | 83a Squadriglia |
Biplane victories: 5 destroyed.
TOTAL: 18 destroyed, 4 probables and possibly 18 shared, 1 damaged.
(a) This claim is most probably a shared between Bordoni-Bisleri and Felice Longhi who both in different sources are credited with this victory. The claim can’t be verified with Commonwealth records.
(b) Claimed in combat with 73 Squadron, which claimed 2 G.50s and 1 damaged while losing 2 Hurricanes. The 18o (CR.42) and 155o (G.50bis) Gruppi claimed 4 Hurricanes while losing 2 G.50bis.
(c) Blenheim IV V5574 of 55 Squadron shot down; Flying Officer Blackmore and his crew MIA.
(d) Blenheim IV L9318 of 203 Squadron and crew MIA.
(e) RAF, SAAF and RAAF claimed 4 Bf 109s destroyed, 1 probable and 1 damaged and 4 MC.202s destroyed, 2 probables and 2 damaged while losing 1 Hurricane, 4 Kittyhawks and getting 2 Kittyhawk badly damaged. No bombers were lost. The 9o, 10o and 23o Gruppi together with III./JG 27 and III./JG 27 claimed 1 Boston, 1 probable, and 9 damaged, 4 P-40s destroyed, 1 probable and 4 damaged, 1 Spitfire destroyed and 1 probable while losing 3 Bf 109s and 2 MC.202s with 1 more damaged.
(f) Claimed in combat with Kittyhawk IIIs from 250 Squadron, which lost 1 aircraft (pilot KIA) and 1 damaged. 450 Squadron possibly also lost 1 Kittyhawk. 95a Squadriglia claimed 2 destroyed and 1 probable without losses.
(g) Claimed in combat with Kittyhawk IIas from 260 Squadron, which lost 1 Kittyhawk (pilot PoW) reportedly after a collision. 23o and 18o Gruppi claimed 1 destroyed and 1 damaged while losing 1 MC.202 (Pinna WiA).
(h) Claimed in combat with Kittyhawk IIIs from 250 Squadron, which lost 2 Kittyhawks (pilots KIA) while claiming 1 probable Bf 109 and 2 damaged MC.202s. 95a Squadriglia and III/JG 77 claimed 3 destroyed P-40s.
3o Stormo, storia fotografica - Dai biplani agli aviogetti - C. Lucchini and E. Leproni, 1990 Gino Rossato Editore kindly provided by Jean Michel Cala with translations kindly provided by Birgitta Hallberg-Lombardi
Ace's aircraft, Two Aces of 18 Gruppo - Christopher Shores, 1972 Aero Album Volume 5 Number 1 Spring 1972 kindly provided by Santiago Flores
A History of the Mediterranean Air War 1940-1945: Volume One - Christopher Shores and Giovanni Massimello with Russell Guest, 2012 Grub Street, London, ISBN 978-1908117076
A History of the Mediterranean Air War 1940-1945: Volume Two - Christopher Shores and Giovanni Massimello with Russell Guest, Frank Olynyk & Winfried Bock, 2012 Grub Street, London, ISBN-13: 9781909166127
Assi Italiani Della Caccia 1936-1945 - 1999 Aerofan no. 69 apr.-giu. 1999 kindly provided by Jean Michel Cala
Courage Alone - Chris Dunning, 1998 Hikoki Publications, Aldershot, ISBN 1-902109-02-3
Elenco Nominativo dei Militari dell’ A. M. Decorati al V. M. Durante it Periodo 1929 - 1945 1 Volume A - L
Gli Assi Italiani Della Regia Aeronautica - Giovanni Massimello, 2023 Difesa Servizi SpA Edizioni Rivista Aeronautica, ISBN 9788888180779
Fighters over the Desert - Christopher Shores and Hans Ring, 1969 Neville Spearman Limited, London
Hurricanes over Tobruk - Brian Cull with Don Minterne, 1999 Grub Street, London, ISBN 1-902304-11-X
In cielo e in terra - Franco Pagliano, Longanesi & Co., Milano, 1969 kindly provided by Alfredo Logoluso
Italian Aces of World War 2 - Giovanni Massimello and Giorgio Apostolo, 2000 Osprey Publishing, Oxford, ISBN 1-84176-078-1
SF.260 Web page - Hendrik van der Veen
The Commonwealth War Graves Commission
Additional Information kindly provided by Ferdinando D'Amico and Stefano Lazzaro.