Maresciallo GianLino 'Giri' Baschirotto
Date | Decoration | Note |
??/??/38 | Medaglia d’argento al valor militare (1st) | O.M.S. |
??/??/38 | Medaglia d’argento al valor militare (2nd) | O.M.S. |
??/??/41 | Medaglia d’argento al valor militare (3rd) | 1940-43 |
??/??/42 | Medaglia d’argento al valor militare (4th) | 1940-43 |
??/??/40 | Medaglia di bronzo al valor militare | O.M.S. |
??/??/?? | Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse | 1940-43 |
GianLino Baschirotto was born on 15 August 1914 in Montagnana near Vicenza, in the province of Padova.
When he enrolled the Regia Aeronautica, he had already obtained a pre-military pilot licence at Campoformido with a local Air Tourism Squadron.
In 1935 he earned his military wings at Aviano and was after this assigned as a Sergente to 1o Stormo C.T. 1o Stormo was Regia Aeronautica's oldest Stormo and it was regarded as a rare privilege to be assigned to this unit since it was regarded as a "aerobatics academy".
Baschirotto got basic operational training with the 88a Squadriglia of 6o Gruppo.
In August 1936 he volunteered, as one of the early pilots, for service in the Spanish Civil War using the nom de guerre "Edoardo Giri".
By the end of August, after the first 12 CR.32s, and their pilots, had reached Melilla, three more had been sent to Majorca and nine were offloaded in the port of Vigo de Galicia, on Spain’s Atlantic coast, from the Spanish ship Ebro. The latter had been renamed Aniene in Italy so that it could run contraband under a flag of convenience.
The nine CR.32s delivered to Vigo de Galicia were unloaded on the night of 27 August, although the presence of a British naval vessel in the port at the same time meant that this operation could not be completed in secrecy. Nine pilots under the command of Tenente Dante Olivero (from 6o Stormo) were also on board Aniene, and each of them had a false identity. Amongst the aviators were Sottotenente Adriano Mantelli ("Arrighi") and Sergenti Brunetto di Montegnacco ("Antonio Romualdi"), Baschirotto ("Edoardo Giri") and Raffaele Chianese, while five groundcrew provided technical support. The men and their machines then travelled by train southwards along the Vigo-Orense-Salamanca-Caceres-Seville route, which was controlled by Nationalist forces that had recently occupied the eastern Extremadura to unite the occupied zones of southern and north-western Spain. The reassembly of the nine aeroplanes, which were destined for the Segunda Escuadrilla de Caza del Tercio (2a Escuadrilla de Caza del Tercio), commenced after the three-day journey had ended in Tablada on 30 August.
The Italian fighter element grow rapidly and soon his unit was part of the XVI Gruppo 'la Cucaracha'.
On 13 September 1936, a patrulla of Aeronáutica Naval Vickers Vildebeests arrived at Getafe from Los Alcázares to reinforce the surviving Breguet XIXs of Grupo No 31. Heading for the Talavera de la Reína front, and escorted by two Ni-H.52s flown by teniente Félix Urtubi Ercilla (a former Nationalist pilot) of the Grupo de Caza No 11 and auxiliary naval pilot Carlos Colom Moliner, the Vildebeests were intercepted at dawn by three CR.32s led by capitán Joaquín García Morato and including Sergente Baschirotto and Sergente Vincenzo Patriarca.
The bombers managed to escape but Baschirotto quickly shot down one of the Ni-H.52s. The Republican pilot, teniente Félix Urtubi Ercilla, crashed on the Nationalist side and his body was never recovered nor was the wreckage of his aircraft ever found. Urtubi Ercilla was posthumously promoted to capitán.
Patriarca, meanwhile, got involved in combat with a second Ni-H.52 with which he collided. The Republican pilot, Aeronáutica Naval pilot Colom Moliner, was killed and the charred remains of his body were recovered and identified by his squadron mates. Patriarca, however, managed to parachute. As soon as he landed, he was captured by Republican troops and was only saved from a summary execution by showing his American passport. He was later trailed and sentenced to death. Because of the uproar occasioned by the capture of an American citizen, the US State Department successfully applied pressure to the Republican government and Patriarca was released and sent back to the U.S. in November 1936.
Patriarca’s CR.32 was the only lost in combat during September-October 1936.
Legend soon had it that it was Félix Urtubi Ercilla who collided with the aircraft flown by Patriarca (perhaps due to his illustrious past). Following the release of a brief communique, government war correspondents asked for the name of the airman involved to be released so that ”all the Spanish people can engrave it on their hearts”.
The following day Republican newspapers named teniente Félix Urtubi Ercilla, and they attempted to give more details of the combat that had ended in his death. El Noroeste contained a reasonably accurate version of events:
"Five enemy aircraft - two tri-motors and three fighters - were sighted over the Navalmoral road, but the tri-motors quickly turned tail in the presence of a loyal fighter pilot, who opened intense machine gun fire. He hit one of the tri-motors and then, when the latter vanished, began a hair-raising pursuit in the clouds, trying to hunt down the three enemy fighters. The loyal fighter pilot hit another enemy aeroplane, which also escaped, but he then pounced on a third enemy aeroplane and almost broke it in two. It was a dreadful clash. The enemy pilot parachuted from his aircraft. Our fighter also crashed. Our brave pilot succumbed to his injuries. Teniente F lix Urtubi is the name of our hero."But the dead Republican pilot was not Félix Urtubi Ercilla. The remains were those of Aeronáutica Naval pilot Carlos Colom Moliner. This was made clear in the Madrid evening newspaper La Voz on 16 September. Under the heading ”Urtubi or Colom?” the paper reported:
"Today, we have been visited by two comrades from the Aeronáutica Naval who asked us to partially correct the information in the Madrid press on teniente Urtubi’s alleged death. The corpse of the airman recovered from the Toledo field is that of auxiliar naval Carlos Colom. The fact that Urtubi was also flying at the same time over the same spot and on the same mission created all the confusion.
Both airmen fought courageously, as we reported yesterday. It is thought that Carlos Colom succumbed when he attacked the enemy aeroplane with his aircraft. There is no news of Urtubi’s whereabouts. We hope that he will be found safe. Whatever happens, F lix Urtubi and Carlos Colom have written a new and heroic page in the feats of loyal aviators."
On 16 September, capitán Joaquín García Morato and Sergente Baschirotto claimed a shared Potez 540 near Navalcarnero. The damaged Republican bomber crash-landed behind its own lines and only the wounded pilot survived. Morato claimed an additional Potez 540.
On 25 September the squadron moved from C ceres to Talavera (Gamonal aerodrome) to be better located to participate in the advance on Toledo.
During the day, Sergente Baschirotto claimed a shared Potez 540 together with capitán Ángel Salas near Barciencie and Villamiel. The Potez crashed vertically into the ground near Rielves, killing the crew of seven.
The Republican aircraft, a Potez 540 c/n 4219, which was named "Aqui le espero" (I will wait for you here), was flown by capitán Joaquín Mellado Pasqual (CO of the Grupo Potez) and Lieutenant Moreno (who had been involved in the assassination of Calvo Sotelo). It had taken off from Getafe (Madrid) on an attack mission near Toledo.
This aircraft had gained some distinction three days before when it bombed the Canarias in Galician waters. It had also been involved in incidents across the whole of Spain from Asturias to Málaga. Mellado had, from the very beginning, been the most active pilot on his side, performing outstanding service at Seville, Madrid and in the Sierra.
Potez 540 c/n 4219 had been flown from Toulouse-Montaudran to Barcelona on 8 August 1936.
The unit moved to Torrijos on 1 November.
On 13 November, 14 Fiat CR.32s escorted five "Junkers" and three "Romeos". Over the Paseo de Rosales (Madrid) they were surprised by 16 I-15s led by Starshiy Leytenant Pavel Rychagov, which dived on them from above out of the sun. Despite immediately being on the defensive, the Fiat pilots managed to protect the bombers as the air battle broke up into a series of individual combats.
The Soviet pilots claimed six victories (three of them fell in Republican territory) while two I-15s were lost when Karp Kovtun and Petr A. Purtov were shot down by Fiats and killed. Kovtun's death was witnessed by starshiy leytenant Georgiy Zakharov, who also took part in this combat.
On their return flight, the Nationalist pilots encountered five Katiuskas, bombing Getafe and Cuatro Vientos from a height of 5000m. Capitán Ángel Salas damaged one so severely that the crew had to take to their parachutes, and capitán Joaquín García Morato damaged three others.
Totally the CR.32 pilots were credited with ten victories (nine "Curtisses" and one SB). Sergente Baschirotto (who reported that the I-15 was seen falling out of the sky smoking) and Corrado Ricci were among the Italians to be awarded a "Curtiss" each while Capitano Guido Nobili was credited with a probable. A Soviet fighter, whose pilot escaped by parachute, was shot down by Capitano Goliardo Mosca. The latter was in turn badly wounded in his right thigh and forced to limp back to Talavera, where he crash-landed. Capitano Mariotti force-landed outside the airfield at Getafe, but without damaging his aircraft. Capitán Morato claimed one I-15 (plus three damaged SBs), capitán Salas damaged three I-15s (plus one SB destroyed) and Julio Salvador claimed another I-15.
Capitán Morato recounted:
"Fiat Squadriglia. Bomber escort. “Junkers” and “Romeos” bombing Rosales (Madrid) clashed with 13 "Curtiss fighters". I shot down one that caught fire in the air, and then machine gunned three "Sophias" till my ammunition ran out. Saw Anti-aircraft fire.Capitán Salas recalled:
Total flying time 1 hour 30 minutes."
"Fiat number 128. 1 hour 30 minutes.
Torrijos to Madrid, escorting five Junkers. Fourteen Fiats attacked 13 "Curtiss fighters" - three combats, one frontal, fired on the second while banking, and on the third from behind. Noticed several hits on the fuselage of one aircraft, but could not follow him due to the presence of others. Remained alone throughout, and eventually saw five “Martin bombers” attacking Getafe and Cuatro Vientos from 5000 metres. I fired at them twice until my guns stopped. On landing, Noreña, Celier and Betancour told me that one of the bombers I had attacked lost a wing and fell to the ground, its crew escaping by parachute."
On 4 December, Polikarpov R-5 SSSs attacked Torrijos airfield. They were however intercepted by patrolling CR.32s and two of them were shot down. One R-5 SSS was claimed by Sergente Baschirotto.
He claimed a Polikarpov I-16 on 17 July 1937 over the outskirts of Madrid.
On 25 July he claimed a Polikarpov I-15.
During his eighteen months in Spain, he totally claimed 5 and 5 shared victories. He also claimed 3 and 1 shared probably destroyed.
During his time in Spain, he was decorated with two Medaglie d'argento al valor militare and one Medaglia di bronzo al valor militare.
He returned to Italy in February 1938 and returned back to 88a Squadriglia, 6o Gruppo, where he was to spend the whole Second World War.
When the Second World War started the 6o Gruppo was equipped with Macchi MC.200s and based at Sicily (6o Gruppo was the first unit to receive this aircraft when the received the first 29 on 1 November 1939).
The unit at once took part in the attacks on Malta.
On 16 June Baschirotto, who had been promoted to Maresciallo, claimed a shared Gladiator together with eight other pilots over Malta. The Malta Gladiator however managed to escape safely.
At the end of July 1940, the 6o Gruppo was assigned to the 1o Stormo.
In October 1941, the unit returned to Italy to re-equip with Macchi MC.202s (series 3 aircraft) and was then sent to Libya.
The unit started to operate over the North African front in January 1942.
At 08:30 on 8 January, 19 CR.42s of the 3o Gruppo, led by Tenente Colonnello Innocenzo Monti, took off from Ara Fileni to bomb and strafe the airstrip of Agedabia. Twelve MC.200s of the 150o Gruppo, led by Maggiore Antonio Vizzotto, which had taken off at 08:30 from El Merduma, were their direct cover. Finally, eight MC.202s of the 88a Squadriglia (6o Gruppo) took off from Ara Fileni at 08:30 led by Capitano Dante Ocarso, to indirectly escort the whole formation.
The CR.42s reached the target at 09:00, flying at 1,000m in groups of three aircraft in echelon right; at the same height were the Macchi MC.200s, (flying in echelon right too) while the MC.202s were at 3,000m. While the Fiats were starting their dives, a formation of twelve P-40s was discovered. They immediately attacked the Falcos and one of the Curtiss was claimed shot down by Sergente Adriano Vezzi of the 155a Squadriglia, who’s aircraft in turn was damaged. The Fiats of the 3o Gruppo were able to complete the attack even if they didn’t claim to have inflicted heavy damage; a Bristol Blenheim destroyed and a couple of trucks left in flames with the use of 24 50kg bombs, 1335 rounds of 7,7 ammunition and 2846 rounds of 12,7 ammunition.
The 150o Gruppo recorded a clash with 25 P-40s losing two MC.200s and one damaged while claiming two P-40s and two damaged with the use of 2050 rounds of ammunition. The two destroyed P-40s were shared between Maggiore Vizzotto, Tenente Enea Atti (363a Squadriglia), Capitano Domenico Bevilacqua (CO 365a Squadriglia) and Sottotenente Fausto Filippi (365a Squadriglia). The pilots of the lost MC.200s (MM6668 and MM5342), one of them wounded, parachuted and were able to regain the Italian lines on foot two, returning to their unit two days later.
The MC.202s reached the target at 08:55, in vics of three disposed in echelon right, at the height of ,3000 m. recording an intense AA reaction. Then they intercepted four or five P-40s that were attacking the CR.42s and forced them to flee. One of the P-40s was claimed shot down and a second probably so with the use of 1060 rounds of ammunition. The claims were shared among the eight pilots (Capitano Ocarso, Tenente Raffaele Giannuzzi Savelli, Sottotenente Alfredo Civetta, Sottotenente Roberto Sparapani, Sottotenente Roberto Sgorbati, Maresciallo Baschirotto, Sergente Maggiore Anano Barreo and Sergente Luigi Bartesaghi). The MC.202s landed back at base at 09:50.
Their opponents were ten Kittyhawks of 3 RAAF Squadron, which had taken off at 08:20 for an offensive sweep between Agedabia and El Agheila. They reported that they met 20 MC.200s, 15 CR.42s and G.50s and 8 Bf 109s (clearly the MC.202s), flying at 5000 feet. They started in pursuit and claimed seven shot down, five probables and three damaged. The claimants were Flight Lieutenant Edward Jackson (AK650) who claimed one MC.200 and three MC.200s damaged, Sergeant Ronald Simes (AK610) who claimed one CR.42 and two MC.200s, Sergeant Reginald Pfeiffer (AK619) who claimed two MC.200s, Flying Officer Jones (AK698) who claimed one Bf 109E and one Bf 109F as probables, Flying Officer H. H. Schaeffer (AK645) who claimed one CR.42 and one probable MC.200 and finally Flying Officer Richard Hart (AK617) who claimed one CR.42 and one Bf 109 E as probables. They lost Kittyhawk AK656 of Flying Officer Alan Baster (RAAF no. 400035), who was killed. The Australians all had landed again at 10:25
It seems likely that the Folgores attacked only part of the Australian formation while the others fought against the Macchi MC.200s and the CR.42s.
At the end, even if the escort wasn’t able to avoid the attack on the Fiats, it permitted them to come back without losses after completing their mission, but it is necessary to note that the eight MC.202 were engaged by only four or five P-40s. The Australian pilots, back at base noted that the MC.200s were able to out-turn their Kittyhawks, which were less manoeuvrable than their predecessors were.
It is not possible to state who shot down Baster even if from the very detailed report submitted by Vezzi once back at base it seems that he was the responsible.
On 9 January, eight MC.202s of the 88a Squadriglia took off at 08:10, led by Capitano Ocarso, for a free sweep over Agedabia. When over the airstrip of the town, Maresciallo Baschirotto went down to strafe an aircraft that he considered to have damaged.
North of the town, some vehicles were discovered and attacked. Some of them were claimed damaged with the use of 1260 rounds of ammunition. The Macchis were back at base at 09:35.
In April 1942, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel decorated him with the German Iron Cross 2nd Class at Martuba.
On 25 May, ten MC.202 of the 6o Gruppo (four from the 79a Squadriglia and six from the 88a Squadriglia) took off at 16:20, led by Maggiore Marco Larcher, for a free sweep between Gazala and Bir Hakeim.
At 16:45, south-east of Gazala, at the height of 5000 metres a formation of 20 enemy fighters (identified as P-40s and Spitfires) was discovered at inferior height. Making use of the tactical advantage given by the height, the Italians attacked, broke the Commonwealth formation and followed them deep inside enemy territory. At the end, nine P-40s were claimed shot down together with 13 P-40s and Spitfires damaged. A single Macchi was reported damaged in return when the Italian pilots landed at 17:40, recording the use of 3600 rounds of ammunition. Two victories each were assigned to 88a Squadriglia’s Maresciallo Baschirotto and Maresciallo Natalino Stabile, while one victory went to Capitano Domenico.Camarda (CO 79a Squadriglia), Sottotenente Alfredo Civetta (88a Squadriglia), Sottotenente Roberto Sgorbati (88a Squadriglia), Sottotenente Adelmo Ferrazza (79a Squadriglia ) and Sergente Maggiore Ercole Paroli (79a Squadriglia). Thanks to these two victories Maresciallo Stabile reached the total of six confirmed individual victories and was thus the second pilot of the Stormo to become an ace.
The Italians had probably met twelve Hurricane IIc of 274 Squadron over Gazala, which had taken off from Tobruk at 17:05 being directed over Gazala at the height of 12000 feet, where it was expected to find four enemy fighters. The British pilots returned at 17:40 claiming to have probably shot down two Bf 109s by Flight Lieutenant George Keefer (BE229/S) and Sergeant John Neil (not officially credited to him) and two damaged by Pilot Officer Frank Samuel and Pilot Officer C. D. A. Browne. They lost one Hurricane (BE398) when Flight Lieutenant B. H. A. Bags Playford was forced to belly-land and was slightly wounded while Flight Lieutenant Parbury was obliged to force-land two miles west of base due to lack of fuel (however to an Italian pilot it could have seemed an aircraft shot down).
In the same area, there was also 260 Squadron, flying at 12000 feet but it didn’t record any action and only reported to have seen three enemy planes taking off. The number of opponents estimated by the Italians led to think that there could have been some other unit present - perhaps equipped with P-40s.
On 10 June, the 6o Gruppo and the 17o Gruppo jointly carried out a free sweep in the Bir Hacheim - Bir el Harmat area.
Between 14:50 and 14:55 six planes of the 6o Gruppo drawn two each from the three Squadriglie had taken off under Capitano Domenico Camarda (79a Squadriglia). At 15:00 they were followed by six planes of the 17o Gruppo (four from the 72a Squadriglia and two from the 80a Squadriglia) led by Capitano Clizio Nioi (CO 80a Squadriglia).
At 15:20, while flying at 5000 metres east of Bir Hacheim, a mixed formation of Hurricanes and P-40s was attacked. According with the 6o Gruppo the enemies were around twenty while according with the 17o Gruppo they were fifteen.
Six P-40s were claimed by the pilots of the 6o Gruppo and one probable with 14 more damaged with the use of 2625 rounds of ammunition. Credit for the victories went to Capitano Camarda (who also fired on five more fighters; 500 rounds, Sergente Amedeo Benati (79a Squadriglia), Sergente Maggiore Luigi Morosi (81a Squadriglia) (plus one probable), Maresciallo Baschirotto (88a Squadriglia) (two destroyed) and Sergente Maggiore Anano Borreo (88a Squadriglia).
Only four pilots of the 17o Gruppo were able to join the combat. Sergente Maggiore Alvise Andrich (80a Squadriglia) claimed a P-40, while a second was shared among Capitano Clizio Nioi, Tenente Giovanni Ghiglia (80a Squadriglia) and Sergente Maggiore Aldo Bersani (80a Squadriglia); the four pilots had used 1760 rounds of ammunition.
The running fight lasted for a long time and went as far as El Adem. All the Italian pilots came back unscathed, the 6o Gruppo between 16:00 and 16:05 while the 17o Gruppo returned at 16:20.
It seems that the 1o Stormo’s pilots had met a mixed formation of 73 Squadron and 213 Squadron. At 15:40, some Hurricane IIcs of 73 Squadron, (possibly twelve), covered by eleven Hurricane II from 213 Squadron (that had taken off at 15:35), had taken off for a protective cruise over Bir Hacheim.
At 16:20 and south-west of El Adem at a height between 8000 and 11000 feet, the pilots of 73 Squadron reported being jumped by a formation of twelve Bf 109 and Macchi MC.202 despite the escort of 213 Squadron. They claimed to have probably shot down one of the attackers (Sergeant Ronald Baker in Hurricane BN402 claimed a probable Bf 109F) and to have damaged two more (Squadron Leader Derek Ward in Hurricane BN131/P and Sergeant L. T. Henry in BE372/H) while losing the Hurricane II BE568 of Sergeant Alan Stuart Wilson, who jumped with parachute but without suffering any additional loss.
213 Squadron reported being attacked by four Bf 109s (possibly the Macchis of the 17o Gruppo) and claimed three of them damaged (Pilot Officer W. H. Thomlinson in BM981/AK-G, Warrant Officer R. J. Wallace in BN139/AK-U and Pilot Officer P. P. Wilson in BM983/AK-C) 10 miles south-west of Knightsbridge. One Hurricane was damaged (Sergeant Menzies whose BN353/AK-D was hit in cockpit and oil cooler). 73 Squadron was back at 17:00.
At the end of June 1942, the 1o Stormo returned to Italy for a period of rest.
After the rest they were sent to Decimomannu (Sardinia), reinforcing units of the 'Aeronautica della Sardegna'.
From this new base Baschirotto completed several escort missions over the Mediterranean, often heading to Bona, Algeria, at the limits of the aircraft range.
From Sardinina the Stormo was transferred to Pantelleria to operate over Tunisia.
During this time Baschirotto flew a MC.202 with the numbers "88-9".
Four Beaufighters from 227 Squadron undertook a shipping sweep on 31 January 1943, attacking three small schooners, as did other Beaufighters from 272 Squadron. A fighter identified as a Bf 109 was seen to attack one of the 227 Squadron aircraft, while very heavy Flak was encountered from the ships and from all along the coast from Monastir to Hergla and Bou Ficha.
The Regia Aeronautica reported that ten MC.202s attacked six Beaufighters at midday off Enfidaville, claiming two shot down, these being claimed by Maresciallo Baschirotto and Maresciallo Anano Borreo (both 88a Squadriglia).
A German report also claimed that one such aircraft had been shot down over a convoy by a Luftwaffe fighter, though no such claim has been discovered.
Two 227 Squadron aircraft were lost with their crews when they crashed into the sea, both reported lost to either Flak and or fighters. The lost aircraft were Beaufighter VIf X8003/W (22-year-old Canadian Flight Lieutenant John Archibald Rae, RCAF no. J/7684, with 32-year-old radar operator Pilot Officer Leslie Hubert Hurst, RAF no. 115605) lost off Hammamet and Beaufighter VIf EL278 (23-year-old Canadian Warrant Officer Arthur Mac Reynolds, RCAF no. R/98064, and 32-year-old radar operator Flight Sergeant Wilfred Oswell Goff, RAF no. 1257891) lost over Hergla.
Two 272 Squadron aircraft were damaged by Flak between Sousse and Hammamet at 11:35-11:40 but Beaufighter VIf T5043/D (Flying Officer C. T. H. Delcour and radar operator Sergeant D. M. Turton) and Beaufighter VIf “U” (Pilot Officer R. T. Phipps and radar operator Flight Sergeant A. Pontet) but returned safely (Cat. I.) with the crews safe.
During this time the 1o Stormo had started to re-equip with the Macchi MC.205Vs.
At 12:30 on 20 April, six Polish pilots of 145 Squadron’s Polish Fighting Team provided cover to other Spitfires of 92, 417, 601 and 1 SAAF Squadrons on a big offensive patrol over the Pantelleria area. When 24km west of the island 20 plus fighters identified as Bf 109s, MC.202s and MC.200s dived on the lower Spitfire units These were undoubtedly 25 MC.205s led by Maggiore Luigi Di Bernardo and nine MC.202s led by Capitano Clizio Nioi, all from 1o Stormo's Gruppi. In a huge dogfight the Italian pilots claimed 14 Spitfires shot down and two probables for the loss of two MC.205s and two more damaged, one of which crash-landed. The known claiming pilots all flew the MC.205:
Maresciallo Amedeo Benati (79a Squadriglia) – one destroyed Spitfire
Maresciallo Dino Forlani (79a Squadriglia) – one probably destroyed Spitfire
Maresciallo Baschirotto (88a Squadriglia) – one destroyed Spitfire
Maresciallo Anano Borreo (88a Squadriglia) – one destroyed, and one probably destroyed Spitfire
Sottotenente Giovanni Collovini (81a Squadriglia) – one destroyed Spitfire
Tenente Mario Ligugnana (80a Squadriglia) and Maresciallo Italo Baldelli (81a Squadriglia) claimed two shared destroyed Spitfire
The other eight claiming pilots are all unknown.
From the 17o Gruppo, MC.205 MM9298 was shot down and Tenente Vittorio Bacchi-Andreoli (71a Squadriglia) was KiA while Capitano Pietro Calistri (72a Squadriglia) got his MC.205 damaged and he was WiA. From the 6o Gruppo MC.205 MM9331 was shot down and Sottotenente Francesco Fanelli (88a Squadriglia) was KiA while Maresciallo Borreo got his MC.205 damaged and he was WiA.
The Spitfire totally claimed ten enemy fighters destroyed, one probably destroyed and three damaged without losses. 601 Squadron (12:25-13:50) reported that Pilot Officer A. A. Toller (Spitfire Vc ES120) claimed one Bf 109 in the Pantelleria area. 92 Squadron (12:30-14:00) reported combat east of Kelibia and claims were made by:
Flight Sergeant M. W. H. Askey (Spitfire IX EN147) – two destroyed MC.202s
Flying Officer B. D. Baker (Spitfire Vb ER613) – one destroyed MC.202
Sergeant F. Brister (Spitfire Vb ER645) – one damaged MC.202
Warrant Officer S. R. Fry (Spitfire Vb ES236) – one damaged MC.202 48km east of Kelibia
The Polish Fighting Team of 145 Squadron (12:55-13:50) reported combat 24km west of Pantelleria and claims were made by:
Flying Officer B. S. Arct (Spitfire IX EN315/ZX-6) – one destroyed Bf 109
Flying Officer W. M. Drecki (Spitfire IX EN286) – one destroyed and one damaged Bf 109
Flight Lieutenant W. S. Krol (Spitfire IX EN313/ZX-4) – one destroyed MC.202
Warrant Officer W. Majchrzyk (Spitfire IX EN300/ZX-9) – one destroyed MC.202
Flying Officer Ludwik Martel (Spitfire IX EN261/ZX-3) – one destroyed Bf 109 and one probably destroyed MC.200
Warrant Officer Mieczyslaw Popek (Spitfire IX EN268/ZX-7) – one destroyed MC.202
This assumed success by the Regia Aeronautica was much emphasised by the Italian press to stress the superiority of the newly arrived MC.205s.
On 8 June, he made his last claim when he at 19:35 took from Chinisia and claimed a shared Spitfire north-west of Pantelleria.
This claim was shared with Tenente Levrini, Tenente Zatti, Sottotenente Sgorbati and Sergente Saiani.
On 24 June the 1o Stormo was retired to Campoformido due to large losses.
The unit was still reorganising when the armistice was announced on 8 September 1943.
During the war Baschirotto had flown more than 1000 hours of combat.
Baschirotto was the only Italian pilot who became an ace both in the Spanish Civil War and the Second World War.
Baschirotto ended the war with 5 biplane victories and a total of 11.
After the war, having been commissioned for war merits, he flew with the first post-war aerobatics team, equipped with Spitfire Mk.Ixs.
Then came the jet age where he first flew Vampires, Thunderjets and Thunderstreaks.
After this he assumed many commanding roles and retired from active service in 1970 as a Colonnello.
Baschirotto passed away in Vicenza on 9 December 1986.
Kill no. | Date | Time | Number | Type | Result | Plane type | Serial no. | Locality | Unit |
1936 | |||||||||
1 | 13/09/36 | dawn | 1 | Ni-H.52 (a) | Destroyed | Fiat CR.32 | Toledo area | 2a Escuadrilla de Caza del Tercio | |
16/09/36 | 1/2 | Potez 540 | Shared destroyed | Fiat CR.32 | Navalcarnero area | 2a Escuadrilla de Caza del Tercio | |||
25/09/36 | 1 | Potez 540 (b) | Shared destroyed | Fiat CR.32 | Barciencie - Villamiel | 2a Escuadrilla de Caza del Tercio | |||
2 | 13/11/36 | 1 | I-15 (c) | Destroyed | Fiat CR.32 | Madrid area | 2a Escuadrilla de Caza del Tercio | ||
3 | 04/12/36 | 1 | R-5 SSS | Destroyed | Fiat CR.32 | Torrijos airfield | 2a Escuadrilla de Caza del Tercio | ||
1937 | |||||||||
4 | 17/07/37 | 1 | I-16 | Destroyed | Fiat CR.32 | outskirts of Madrid | 24a Squadriglia | ||
5 | 25/07/37 | 1 | I-15 | Destroyed | Fiat CR.32 | Spain | 24a Squadriglia | ||
1940 | |||||||||
16/06/40 | 1/9 | Gladiator (d) | Shared destroyed | Macchi MC.200 | Malta | 88a Squadriglia | |||
1942 | |||||||||
08/01/42 | 09:00 | 1/8 | P-40 (e) | Shared destroyed | Macchi MC.202 | Agedabia | 88a Squadriglia | ||
08/01/42 | 09:00 | 1/8 | P-40 (e) | Shared probably destroyed | Macchi MC.202 | Agedabia | 88a Squadriglia | ||
09/01/42 | 08:10-09:35 | 1 | Enemy aircraft | Damaged on the ground | Macchi MC.202 | Agedabia area | 88a Squadriglia | ||
6 | 25/05/42 | 16:45-17:40 | 1 | P-40 (f) | Destroyed | Macchi MC.202 | SE Gazala | 88a Squadriglia | |
7 | 25/05/42 | 16:45-17:40 | 1 | P-40 (f) | Destroyed | Macchi MC.202 | SE Gazala | 88a Squadriglia | |
8 | 10/06/42 | 15:20 | 1 | Hurricane (g) | Destroyed | Macchi MC.202 | Bir Hakeim - Bir el Harmat | 88a Squadriglia | |
9 | 10/06/42 | 15:20 | 1 | Hurricane (g) | Destroyed | Macchi MC.202 | Bir Hakeim - Bir el Harmat | 88a Squadriglia | |
1943 | |||||||||
10 | 31/01/43 | midday | 1 | Beaufighter (h) | Destroyed | Macchi MC.202 | off Enfidaville | 88a Squadriglia | |
11 | 20/04/43 | 12:30- | 1 | Spitfire (i) | Destroyed | Macchi MC.205V | W Pantelleria | 88a Squadriglia | |
08/06/43 | 1 | Spitfire | Shared destroyed | Macchi MC.205V | NW Pantelleria | 88a Squadriglia |
A History of the Mediterranean Air War 1940-1945: Volume One - Christopher Shores and Giovanni Massimello with Russell Guest, 2012 Grub Street, London, ISBN 978-1908117076
A History of the Mediterranean Air War 1940-1945: Volume Two - Christopher Shores and Giovanni Massimello with Russell Guest, Frank Olynyk & Winfried Bock, 2012 Grub Street, London, ISBN-13: 9781909166127
A History of the Mediterranean Air War 1940-1945: Volume Three - Christopher Shores and Giovanni Massimello with Russell Guest, Frank Olynyk & Winfried Bock, 2016 Grub Street, London, ISBN-13: 9781910690000
Air War over Spain - Jesus Salas Larrazabal, 1974 Ian Allan Ltd, Shepperton, Surrey, ISBN 0-7110-0521-4
Ali d'Africa - Michele Palermo and Ludovico Slongo, 2009 IBN Editore, ISBN 88-7565-060-8
Assi Italiani Della Caccia 1936-1945 - 1999 Aerofan no. 69 apr.-giu. 1999 kindly provided by Jean Michel Cala
Courage Alone - Chris Dunning, 1998 Hikoki Publications, Aldershot, ISBN 1-902109-02-3
Crickets against Rats. Regia Aeronautica in the Spanish Civil War 1936-1937. Vol. 1 - Marek Sobski, 2014 Kagero, Lublin, ISBN 978-83-64596-16-2
Due Volte Asso - Giovanni Massimello, 1997 Storia Militare Nr. 49 Ottobre 1997 kindly provided by Massimo Cappone
Elenco Nominativo dei Militari dell’ A. M. Decorati al V. M. Durante it Periodo 1929 - 1945 1 Volume A - L
Fiat CR.32 Aces of the Spanish Civil War - Alfredo Logoluso, 2010 Osprey Publishing, Oxford, ISBN 978-1-84603-983-6
GianLino Baschirotto (Galleria degli Assi) - Giovanni Massimello, 1999 Aerofan nr. 68 Jan.-Mar. 1999 kindly provided by Massimo Cappone
Gli Assi Italiani Della Regia Aeronautica - Giovanni Massimello, 2023 Difesa Servizi SpA Edizioni Rivista Aeronautica, ISBN 9788888180779
Italian Aces of World War 2 - Giovanni Massimello and Giorgio Apostolo, 2000 Osprey Publishing, Oxford, ISBN 1-84176-078-1
La Battaglie Aeree In Africa Settentrionale: Novembre-Dicembre 1941 - Michele Palermo, IBN, ISBN 88-7565-102-7
Spanish Republican Aces – Rafael A Permuy López, 2012 Osprey Publishing, Oxford, ISBN 978-1-84908-668-4
Additional information kindly provided by Michele Palermo and Ludovico Slongo.