Maggiore Guglielmo Arrabito
8 January 1916 – 20 July 1944
Image from Ali di Guerra 1941.
Year Gazetted | Decoration | Note |
1941 | Medaglia d’argento al valor militare (1st) | 1940-43 |
1943 | Medaglia d’argento al valor militare (2nd) | 1940-43 |
19?? | Medaglia commemorative della campagna di Libia | Libia |
Guglielmo Arrabito was born on 8 January 1916 and was from Scicli (Ragusa).
Pre-war, he took part in the colonial campaign in Libya and was decorated for this.
On 11 April 1940, he was promoted to Capitano.
The 13o Gruppo (77a, 78a and 82a Squadriglie) was commanded by Maggiore Secondo Revetria and started the war based at Tripoli Castelbenito airfield with twenty-five CR.42s and eleven CR.32s on hand (the CR.32s, kept as a reserve, were later passed on to the 50o Stormo Assalto) to guard against a possible French attach from the west.
Pilots in the 82a Squadriglia were: Capitano Arrabito (CO), Tenente Guglielmo Chiarini (arrived from 53o Stormo on 9 June), Sottotenente Giuseppe Bottà, Sottotenente Virgilio Vanzan, Sottotenente Giuseppe Timolina, Sottotenente Gilberto Cerofolini, Sergente Maggiore Dante Davico, Sergente Renato Giansante, Sergente Franco Porta, Sergente Francesco Nanin, Sergente Filippo Baldin, Sergente Riccardo Bonoli and Sergente Albino Falasco (arrived on 9 June).
Total strength of the Squadriglia was twelve CR.42s (three of them still under assembly), six CR.32quaters and one Breda Ba.25 for liaison. The CR.32s were used in patrol missions until 13 June.
On 26 June, four CR.42s from the 82a Squadriglia and one from the 78a Squadriglia took off at 08:45 to make a standing patrol over the 2nd Libyan Infantry division. The formation flew as far as Sollum but at 09:45 during the return flight, Sottotenente Italo Santavacca (78a Squadriglia) was forced to make an emergency landing at Sidi Azeiz due to the compete loss of engine oil. Tenente Guglielmo Chiarini landed near him but when returning to T2, he was obliged to force-land at Gambut for the same reason at 10:05. At 10:20, Sergente Filippo Baldin also had to perform the same for the same reason. Capitano Arrabito landed at Gambut to see what had happened to his pilots but when he took taking off again he had to force-land at Sidi Bu Amud before reaching Tobruk for the usual lack of oil at 10:40. There he found Sottotenente Gilberto Cerofolini who had already force-landed at 10:35. The formation completely failed to return! Adding insult to injury, the advancing enemy burned Santavacca’s CR.42 at Sidi Azeiz and the pilot was probably taken prisoner during the same raid.
At around 16:20 on 23 July, nine CR.42s from the 13o Gruppo (Maggiore Secondo Revetria (CO of the 13o Gruppo in a 77a Squadriglia CR.42), Tenente Giulio Torresi and Sergente Ernesto Paolini (77a Squadriglia), Capitano Arrabito, Tenente Guglielmo Chiarini and Sergente Franco Porta (82a Squadriglia), Capitano Giuseppe Dall’Aglio, Sergente Maggiore Salvatore Mechelli and Sergente Rovero Abbarchi (78a Squadriglia)) and nine from the 10o Gruppo (Capitano Luigi Monti, Tenente Giuseppe Aurili and Tenente Vincenzo Vanni (84a Squadriglia), Tenente Giovanni Guiducci, Sottotenente Neri De Benedetti, Sergente Bruno Bortoletti (90a Squadriglia),Tenente Enzo Martissa, Sergente Elio Miotto, Sergente Alessandro Bladelli (91a Squadriglia)) took off from El Adem to make a fighter sweep in the Bir El Gobi – Sollum – Bardia area.
At around 17:40, between Sidi Azeiz and Bardia, they intercepted a group of Blenheims escorted by Gladiators.
The 13o Gruppo attacked the Gladiators with height advantage and Tenente Chiarini and the other pilots of the 82a Squadriglia attacked a group of three Gladiators, which were flying in a wide formation. After ten minutes of combat Chiarini shot down one of these fighters. The enemy plane burned when crashing on the ground while the pilot parachuted near Sidi Azeiz and was seen to be rescued by British armoured cars. Tenente Torresi in the meantime claimed another Gladiator shot down using 150 rounds of ammunition. Post war Italian studies claimed that two additional bombers fell burning after the attack of other pilots from the 13o Gruppo, but the official records do not confirm this.
The 10o Gruppo formation in the meantime joined the combat. While Capitano Monti with five other pilots remained high to cover the other fighters (and estimating the enemy strength to only three fighters), Tenente Martissa, Sergente Miotto and Sergente Bladelli joined the combat and claimed a single Gloster shared with the 13o Gruppo pilots.
It looks as if this shared victory was one of the two previously claimed by Torresi and Chiarini because there are no shared victories claims in the records of 2o Stormo. An incongruity of this type, in the claims of Regia Aeronautica, during combined actions of different units is not unusual at all.
No Italian aircraft were lost but four CR.42s of the 13o Gruppo were damaged and especially Chiarini’s and Capitano Arrabito’s CR.42s were so damaged that they were not flyable when back at base at 18:20; Arrabito’s CR.42, in particular had suffered many hits in the wings and behind the pilot’s seat.
Presumably the Gladiator claims were made in combat with Gladiators from 33 Squadron. During the day Pilot Officer Preston (Gladiator N5774), flying one of three Gladiators of 33 Squadron, briefed to escort the bomb-carrying Lysander of Flight Lieutenant Legge, was shot down by three attacking CR.42s and forced to bale out south of Bardia. Preston suffered a slight concussion and once rescued he was sent to hospital in Alexandria. The 33 Squadron ORB is lacking the times of this combat but that of 208 Squadron recorded that Legge took off at 18:00 and landed at 19:40 and that one of the escorting fighters was shot down by CR.42s and the pilot escaped by parachute, so it seems highly likely that Preston’s Gladiator fell victim of Chiarini.
It seems that the British records are incomplete on this date since there are no claims for the damaged Italian fighters.
At the eve of Operation Compass on 9 December, the 13o Gruppo (CO Tenente Colonnnello Secondo Revetria) was based at Gambut G. The 82a Squadriglia (CO Capitano Arrabito) had seven combat ready CR.42s and two inefficient. Totally, the Gruppo had 20 combat ready CR.42s of a total strength of 29.
At around 08:55 on 9 December, six CR.42s from the 82a Squadriglia (Capitano Arrabito, Sottotenente Giuseppe Bottà, Sottotenente Giuseppe Timolina, Sottotenente Virgilio Vanzan, Sergente Francesco Nanin and Sergente Filippo Baldin) took off from Gambut to escort six S.79s, which were out to attack the Bir Mella area (around Nibeiwa). Four CR.42s from the 77a Squadriglia (Tenente Colonnello Secondo Revetria, Sergente Vincenzo Campolo, Sottotenente Carmelo Catania and Sottotenente Mario Nicoloso) took off with them together with six CR.42s of the 78a Squadriglia (Sottotenente Natale Cima, Sottotenente Dario Magnabosco, Tenente Giovanni Beduz, Sergente Ernesto Taddia, Sergente Teresio Martinoli and Sottotenente Luigi Canneppele).
While the formation was gaining height, two Blenheims arrived over the airfield and released 20 bombs without causing damage. The Blenheims were then intercepted by Tenente Giulio Torresi of the 77a Squadriglia. He had taken off at 08:30 for a protective patrol and after 20 minutes of flight discovered the Blenheims heading towards the airfield. The British bombers tried to escape towards the sea but Torresi was able to claim the trailing one of them shot down “in flames” over the sea close to the shore. After a ten-minute chase, he closed in on the last one, hitting it many times and he witnessed it overturning while trying to ditch in open sea.
Torresi was back at base at 09:30 and he had only used 90 7,7mm rounds and 70 12,7 rounds.
Meanwhile over Bir Mella, while the S.79s were releasing their bombs, a single Hurricane attacked the CR.42s formation from the 82a Squadriglia that was covering the bombers at higher altitude. Sergente Nanin’s aircraft was hit and shot down with the loss of the pilot while the Hurricane, attacked by Arrabito, Bottà and Timolina succeeded in disengaging thanks to its superior speed. The surviving CR.42s were back at base at 10:55.
The 77a Squadriglia didn’t even notice any enemy aircraft during the mission while the 78a Squadriglia saw enemy aircraft heading towards their formation only to escape quickly when they tried to react.
The S.79s was a formation of the 62a Squadriglia, 29o Gruppo led by the Gruppo Commander Tenente Colonnello Guglielmo Grandjacquet. They reportedly released their bomb load at around 10:00 and all bombers returned to Gambut without suffering any losses. This was their first of a totally six missions by the 13a Divisione Aerea Pegaso flown during the day.
At 10:15 on 12 December, five CR.42s of the 82a Squadriglia (Capitano Arrabito, Sottotenente Gilberto Cerofolini, Sottotenente Giuseppe Timolina, Sergente Maggiore Dante Davico and Sergente Luigi Giannotti) took off from Gambut to escort a formation of seven SM 79s from the 9o Stormo led by Colonnello Mario Aramu, which were to attack enemy troops near Halfaya.
Capitano Arrabito formed his fighters on the left of the bombers and 2000 metres higher. When over Bu Giallach he discovered an enemy monoplane that looked as if was moving into position for an attack on the SM 79s and he immediately dived on it. He damaged it, forcing it to flee (possibly Flight Sergeant Morris from 274 Squadron). Then he identified a Bristol Blenheim that was ground strafing the already empty landing ground of A3 and claimed it shot down (individually) in flames. This was probably Blenheim Mk.I L8465 of 45 Squadron that was shot-down during a raid on Sollum, killing the crew; Pilot Officer Patrick Cullimore Traill-Smith (RAF no. 42451), Pilot Officer Vincent Dennis Fry (RAF no. 43055) and Sergeant Tom Osborn Liggins (RAF no. 630475).
After the attack, Arrabito tried to turn back to his escort duty but the engine of his CR.42 failed and he had to force-land among Italian troops near Mu Said. He was driven back to Tobruk in a car and during the return journey had to witness many nuisance attacks by the Hurricanes ground strafing the road.
Giannotti suffered almost the same fate after succeeding in landing at Amseat after engine troubles (his fighter was most probably lost here). Timolina and Davico discovered that their engines too were not working properly and immediately turn back to Gambut leaving the lone Cerofolini to escort the SM 79s. Cerofolini went with the Savoias as far as Buq-Buq. While doing this he was attacked twice by British monoplanes but each time he was able to evade and returned safely to T2.
The bombers returned to Gambut at 10:40 without losses.
274 Squadron reported that from 06:15 to 09:45, 15 Hurricanes took off individually. After refuelling at LG 70, they attacked transports and troops west of Sollum. The purpose of this operation was to turn the Italian retreat into a route and to demoralise the enemy communication during the retreat.
All aircraft were back safely except for Flight Sergeant Morris that force-landed Hurricane Mk.I P3723 30 miles west of Mersa Matruh. Returning to base the day after, he claimed the destruction of two SM 79s, in a position 2-3 miles SSE of Capuzzo and reported:
“At 9.30 hours 12.12.40 I took off from Sidi Heneish to carry out ground strafing WEST of SOLLUM. I landed at an advanced Landing Ground, refuelled and proceeded to target area. I passed just SOUTH of FORT CAPUZZO at 11,000 feet and selected vehicles on the CAPUZZO - BARDIA ROAD as my objective. When at 8,000 feet I saw below at 4,000 feet , and at 5 o’clock, 6 aircraft proceeding S.S.E. I dived to investigate and when behind at 2,000 feet above them I identified them as 3 SM 79s in close vic escorted by 3 CR 42s. The escort being 500 feet above and just to the left of the S79s. I selected the right hand SM 79 (No.2) as my first target. I closed to within 150 yards astern and slightly above it. I gave it a burst of about 50 rounds and it immediately did an half roll to the right and went down almost vertically. I watched it almost down to ground level which was obscured by dust. It did not drop its bombs on being attacked so that it must have been completely surprised. As the CR 42s still maintained their position I closed to about 100 yards behind and slightly above the leader (No.1). I gave this one a burst of 50 rounds and this also went down to the right in a terrific side-slip still maintaining its original course. I watched this one descend until it was close to the ground and then the remaining bomber did a medium turn to the left right underneath the fighter escort and did a shallow dive towards FORT CAPUZZO which was on the reciprocal course. I did not follow this bomber due to the reception I should receive from the Fort. I was now at 1,000 feet and turned back and saw the three C.R. 42s circling at about 5,000 feet above the scene of the original action. Apparently they were searching for the bombers, the split up of which must have been entirely unobserved by them. I then decided to attack them also, so I climbed in a large circle around them in order to get into the sun. When in position at 5,500 feet I dived on them hoping to cover all three machines by a long burst from the beam or quarter. When I was about 1000 yards from them my approach must have been observed as they made off at full speed to the west diving fairly steeply. As my advantage of surprise was lost and I could not follow them very far, I decide to carry on with my original intention of ground strafing. I was still in the vicinity of FORT CAPUZZO and again located my target. This time on my way down I see a landing ground about three miles NORTH of the Fort on the west side of the road. I circled the landing ground and reduced height to about 1000 feet and saw 10 aircraft dispersed on and around it, of these at least one was a Breda 65, others were CR 42s. Full identification was impossible owing to the dust storm in the vicinity. I attacked and in two dives covered two of the CR 42s with my fire; when breaking away I looked down into some slit trenches but could not see no personnel. As now I had just enough petrol to return to base I climbed out of the dust and when at about 1,300 feet I observed three CR 42s patrolling about 2,000 feet above me slightly to the EAST. My approach was observed and I had to turn NORTH towards BARDIA in order to avoid combat being at great disadvantage. The CR 42s remained to the EAST of me and flew on a parallel course still maintaining their advantage of height.
Just SOUTH of BARDIA I turned EAST went down to 50 feet into the dust and eluded my pursers. Owing to this last action I did not have enough petrol to return to base, so endeavoured to find L.G. 74. This landing ground was totally obscured by dust so I continued on my course to Base. Thirty miles WEST of MATRUH my fuel supply was very low so I forced landed successfully. Petrol was sent to me and I returned to base the following day, 13.12.40. At no time during the whole of this trip did I experience enemy fire.”
Capitano Arrabito was decorated with his second Medaglia d’argento al valor militare (gazetted 1943) for his actions over North Africa between February and August 1942:
"He participated in numerous offensive reconnaissance missions and low-altitude ground strafing attacks. On multiple occasions, he returned with his aircraft repeatedly struck after inflicting heavy losses on the enemy, consistently demonstrating a fervent offensive spirit, skill, and absolute disregard for danger."
Sky of Marmarica, February–August 1942-XX.
During the night between 1 and 2 November 1942, four of 221 Squadron’s ASV Wellingtons located a convoy identified as two merchant vessels and one destroyer, accompanied by 13 smaller vessels. Five 38 Squadron aircraft and two of 458 Squadron were homed onto these ships, which were then illuminated by the ASV aircraft. Four bombers attacked claiming two hits, while a torpedo-carrier targeted what was thought to be a cruiser without effect.
Two Baltimores of 203 Squadron co-operated with six 39 Squadron Beauforts and seven escorting Beaufighter Ics from 272 Squadron to attack the convoy of two MVs, estimated at 5,000 and 3,000 tons apiece, and two destroyers, which had earlier been attacked by the Wellingtons. The vessels were now ten kilometres north-north-west of Tobruk, escorted by a reported two Bf 110s, two Ju 88s, two MC.202s and two MC.200s. The Beaufighters sought to chase off the air escort as the Beauforts attacked, hitting the larger vessel which poured forth a column of smoke up to 1 500 meters. Crews also thought that they had possibly hit the smaller vessel as well.
Squadron Leader Anthony Watson from 272 Squadron (with navigator/wireless operator Pilot Officer C. F. Cutting in Beaufighter Ic ‘G’) claimed one Ju 88 destroyed 100km N of Tobruk between 06:30 and 12:00.
However, Beaufort DD873/H was seen to be shot down, apparently by Flak, the crew getting into their dinghy, but Pilot Officer Headly and his crew became MiA. Beaufort DD937/R was shot down by fighters and Flight Lieutenant Grant and his crew became MiA. Finally, Beaufighter Ic T4880/H ditched in the sea (on their way out and due to engine-failure according to the Squadron ORB) and Pilot Officer A. J. Proctor and his navigator/wireless operator Pilot Officer E. A. C. Young took to the dinghy. They were picked up eight days later.
Two Baltimores then reconnoitred, confirming that the smaller vessel had been hit and was on fire.
The victims of this attack were an Italian naval auxiliary, the 1,976-ton Zara, which was sunk, and the 1,987-ton Brioni, which managed to enter harbour where she was then sunk by bombers; the size of both vessels had been considerably over-estimated by the torpedo-bomber crews. Both had been carrying cargoes of cased petrol and ammunition, but although Brioni was able to enter harbour at Tobruk, she was sunk by USAAF bombers before she could be unloaded.
The defending fighters were mainly MC.200s of the 77a Squadriglia (take-off 08:00), the pilots of which reportedly prevented an attack by the Beaufighters, which, of course, had not been seeking to attack the ships, but solely to drive off these escorts. Tenente Giorgio Savoia claimed one shot down. He then attacked a second and claimed it as a damaged before it escaped, heading eastward with a long smoke trail. Another section of three MC.200s of the 13o Gruppo, led by Capitano Arrabito (82a Squadriglia), took off at 08:45 (landing 10:05) to relieve the previous patrol and they too engaged some Beaufighters. Sergente Maggiore Filippo Baldin (82a Squadriglia) claimed one shot down 120km north of Tobruk and Arrabito one damaged.
Oberfeldwebel Otto Leupert of 1./LG 1 (Ju 88) claimed two Beauforts destroyed during the day.
Later in the morning also four CR.42s of the 101o Gruppo took part in the escort: an aircraft identified as a lone Beaufighter was driven off by Sergente Walter Banfi of 208a Squadriglia. This was probably in fact one of the 203 Squadron Baltimores checking on the results of the attack.
This meant, however, that six ships had been sunk in five days, five by air-launched torpedoes and one by bombs. During this same period only two merchant vessels and five destroyers had managed to reach Tobruk unscathed, all carrying only small quantities of stores, including only about 500 tons of fuel.
As of 8 November 1942 (on the launch of Operation Torch in North Africa), Capitano Arrabito served as CO of the 82a Squadriglia, 13o Gruppo CT. The unit was based at Bu Amud, Libya, and equipped with MC.200s.
Capitano Arrabito (82a Squadriglia) suffered a landing accident at Benghazi K3 on 11 November 1942. His MC.200 (MM5096) was damaged, but he was safe.
On 21 January 1943, the 51st Highland Division broke through the last Axis defences at Corradini and reached a point only 64km east of Tripoli. This push brought a renewal of activity in the air, beginning when eleven Kittyhawk IIIs from 250 Squadron and twelve from 260 Squadron, all led by Wing Commander Burton, set course for Castel Benito. The aircraft of the latter unit each carried six 40lb bombs and a long-range tank. Nine Axis fighters were seen near Castelverde, and at Sidi Bilial these made their first attack, coming in from the rear. At Castel Benito 260 Squadron bombed from 600 meters and the opposing fighters came in again as the Kittyhawks flew past Tripoli, many individual combats ensuing. Pilot Officer J. W. A. Stone (Kittyhawk III FR355/T) of 250 Squadron claimed a Bf 109 as probably destroyed 16km south of Castle Benito at 09:30, but two of the unit’s aircraft were shot down in flames (or collided). Both Flying Officer F. L. Latham (FR344) and Sergeant A. F. Nitz (P-40K 42-45794) baled out and both returned three days later, confirming that Stone’s Bf 109 definitely crashed.
When over Sidi Bilial landing ground again, four MC.202s were spotted and these were attacked at 460 meters by 260 Squadron, one being claimed destroyed by Flight Sergeant W. E. Stewart (08:40-10:15). Two fighters identified as Bf 109s then attacked the formation and one Kittyhawk was seen to belly-land. The Italian fighters were from the 13o Gruppo, five Macchis having taken off on an armed reconnaissance over the lines at 0805. Attacked by the 260 Squadron Kittyhawks, their pilots claimed one shot down as a shared between Tenente Giorgio Savoia (77a Squadriglia) and Capitano Arrabito (82a Squadriglia) and one more damaged. One MC.202 suffered severe damage.
No corresponding Luftwaffe claims or losses has been found.
Due to war merit, Arrabito was promoted to Maggiore (gazetted 1943) seniority and administrative effect starting from 13 May 1943.
After the Italian surrender in September 1943, he joined the Italiana Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana (ANR).
In June 1944 he replaced Maggiore Adriano Visconti as commanding officer of the Io Gruppo Caccia.
At this time, Arrabito held the rank of Maggiore.
At 13:05 on 20 July, the Io Gruppo Caccia scrambled from Vicenza and Thiene with ten MC.205s and 12 G.55s. They intercepted a formation of B-24s in the Udine area. These were escorted by P-51s of the 308th FS, 31st FG, and P-38s of the 48th FS, 14th FG, each unit covering a different height band, whose intervention wrecked the Italians’ attack. Two MC.205s and two G.55s were lost, Maggiore Arrabito was killed, as was Sergente Maggiore Sgubbi of the 2a Squadriglia; Tenente Biron (3a Squadriglia) baled out of his G.55 (MM91101) near Ponte Di Piave (TV) and Tenente Beretta’s MC.205 (MM92271) crash-landed near Villaorba.
The Americans claimed 3 destroyed and 2 damaged, crediting the kills to Major Harry William Dorris and First Lieutenant Robert John Goebel (308th FS) and Second Lieutenant Michael Brezas (48th FS). The two damaged were claimed by Lieutenant Donald E. Wimmer and Lieutenant Nello L. Infanti, both from the 48th FS. All the claims were fore Bf 109s except Dorris, somewhat nearer the mark with his ‘MC.202’, which was claimed near Villaorba (probably Tenente Beretta).
The Italians thought they got a probable P-38, plus damage to two more and to three of the bombers.
At the time of his death, Arrabito was credited with 1 biplane victory.
Kill no. | Date | Time | Number | Type | Result | Plane type | Serial no. | Locality | Unit |
1940 | |||||||||
12/12/40 | 10:15-10:40 | 1 | Hurricane (a) | Damaged | Fiat CR.42 | Bu Giallach area | 82a Squadriglia | ||
1 | 12/12/40 | 10:15-10:40 | 1 | Blenheim (b) | Destroyed | Fiat CR.42 | Sollum area | 82a Squadriglia | |
1942 | |||||||||
02/11/42 | 08:45-10:05 | 1 | Beaufighter (c) | Damaged | MC.200 | off Tobruk | 82a Squadriglia | ||
1943 | |||||||||
21/01/43 | 08:05-08:50 | 1/2 | P-40 (d) | Shared destroyed | MC.202 | over enemy lines, North Africa | 82a Squadriglia |
Biplane victories: 1 destroyed, 1 damaged.
TOTAL: 1 and 1 shared destroyed, 2 damaged.
(a) Possibly Flight Sergeant Morris of 274 Squadron, who force-landed Hurricane P3723.
(b) Probably Blenheim Mk.I L8465 of 45 Squadron that was shot-down during a raid on Sollum, killing the crew; Pilot Officer Patrick Cullimore Traill-Smith (RAF no. 42451), Pilot Officer Vincent Dennis Fry (RAF no. 43055) and Sergeant Tom Osborn Liggins (RAF no. 630475).
(c) Probably claimed in combat with Beaufighter Ics from 272 Squadron and Beauforts from 39 Squadron where 272 Squadron claimed 1 Ju 88 while 1 Beaufighter and 2 Beauforts were lost. 13o Gruppo and 1./LG 1 claimed 2 Beauforts and 2 and 2 damaged Beaufighters without losses.
(d) Claimed in combat with Kittyhawk IIIs from 260, which claimed 1 Bf 109 without losses. The 13o Gruppo claimed 1 P-40 destroyed while suffering 1 damaged MC.202.
A History of the Mediterranean Air War 1940-1945: Volume Two – Christopher Shores and Giovanni Massimello with Russell Guest, Frank Olynyk & Winfried Bock, 2012 Grub Street, London, ISBN-13: 9781909166127
A History of the Mediterranean Air War 1940-1945: Volume Three – Christopher Shores and Giovanni Massimello with Russell Guest, Frank Olynyk & Winfried Bock, 2016 Grub Street, London, ISBN-13: 9781910690000
Air War Italy 1944-45 - Nick Beale, Ferdinando D'Amico and Gabriele Valentini, 1996 Airlife Publishing, Shrewbury, ISBN 1-85310-252-0
Annuario Ufficiale Delle Forze Armate Del Regno D’Italia Anno 1943. Part III Regia Aeronautica – 1943 Istituto Poligrafico Dello Stato, Roma
Desert Prelude: Early clashes June-November 1940 - Håkan Gustavsson and Ludovico Slongo, 2010 MMP books, ISBN 978-83-89450-52-4
Desert Prelude: Operation Compass - Håkan Gustavsson and Ludovico Slongo, 2011 MMP books, ISBN 978-83-61421-18-4
Diario Storico 82a Squadriglia kindly provided by Ludovico Slongo.
Elenco Nominativo dei Militari dell’ A. M. Decorati al V. M. Durante it Periodo 1929 - 1945 1 Volume A - L
Istituto del Nastro Azzurro
L'Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana - Nino Arena, 1996 Ermanno Albertelli Editore, Parma, 1996, ISBN 88-85909-49-3, kindly provided by Stefano Lazzaro
The Bristol Blenheim: A complete history – Graham Warner, 2002 Crécy Publishing Limited, Manchester, ISBN 0-947554-92-0
The Commonwealth War Graves Commission
USAAF (Mediterranean Theater) Credits For The Destruction Of Enemy Aircraft In Air-To-Air Combat World War 2 - Frank Olynyk, 1987 Victory List No.6
Additional information kindly provided by Ferdinando D’Amico, Stefano Lazzaro and Ludovico Slongo.